Army Concussion Management
Clinical Management
What's the dx?
The vast majority of TBIs occur in this setting.
What is the garrison setting?
A ringing or buzzing in the ears
What is tinnitus?
Concussion should be ______ if a patient displays any concussion symptoms following a traumatic blow to the head or body.
What is suspected?
A temporary change in normal brain function caused by a blow/jolt to the head or some other external force such as a blast; Also known as a mild TBI
What is a concussion?
Military _____ Concussive Evaluation.
What is acute?
Produce an educated force trained and prepared to provide early recognition, treatment & tracking of concussive injuries in order to protect Warrior health
What is the mission of Army Concussion Management?
Lowered frustration tolerance, irritability, increased emotionality, depression, anxiety, clinginess, personality change
What are emotional/behavioral symptoms of mTBI?
Unconscious casualties should be treated as having an unstable ____ ____ injury
What is a spinal cord?
Mild sx: slurring dysarthria, +/- subtle pyramidal disease or disequilibrium Later stage: cognitive impairment is the major neurologic feature Also known as punch-drunk or a ‘slug-nutty’ state
What is chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)?
This part of the exam tests the eyes, speech, motor, and balance.
What is the neurological exam?
Every Warrior treated appropriately to minimize concussive injury and maximize recovery.
What is the vision of Army Concussion Management?
HA, fatigue, low energy, sleep disturbance, nausea, vision changes, tinnitus, dizziness, balance problems, light/noise sensitivity
What are somatic symptoms of mTBI?
The immediate motor phenomena that may accompany a concussion
What is tonic posturing?
A syndrome that occurs as the result of a concussion, with its own distinct psychological pathophysiology
What is post-concussive syndrome (PCS)?
The maximum number of points you could score on the cognitive section.
What is 30 points?
A cultural change across the Army to recognize that concussion is a physical injury which must be identified, treated, and tracked
What is the goal of Army Concussion Management?
Slowed thinking or response speed, mental fogginess, poor concentration, distractibility, trouble with learning and memory, disorganization, problem solving difficulties
What are cognitive symptoms of mTBI?
Immediate _____ to a _____ is recommended if prolonged LOC > 5 min, focal neurologic deficit, decreasing mental status or level of consciousness, unequal pupil size, uncontrolled vomiting, suspected skull fracture or penetrating skull trauma, or worsening symptoms
What is referral to a hospital?
Occurs when an athlete who has sustained an initial head injury sustains a second head injury before sx associated with the first have fully cleared
What is second impact syndrome (SIS)?
Used to test balance. The patient stands with eyes closed, one foot in front of the other heel-to-toe, arms extended forward, palms up.
What is the tandem Romberg test?
Formalizes mandatory line leader and medical personnel actions following Soldiers’ involvement in potentially concussive events in garrison. Ensures that all Soldiers involved in potentially concussive events are immediately identified and treated similar to the processes in the deployed setting.
What is HQDA EXORD 165-13?
Change in playing ability, Vacant stare, Fogginess/confusion, Slowing, Memory disturbance, Loss of consciousness, Increased emotionality, Incoordination, Headache, Dizziness, vomiting
What are immediate symptoms of mTBI?
Prospective cohort studies have shown that brief _____ (<60 sec) does not reflect injury severity or predict time to recovery
What is LOC / loss of consciousness?
Those with a history of 1 or 2 previous concussions were 1.5 times more likely to be diagnosed with this.
What is depression?
Elbow, apple, carpet, saddle, _______.
What is bubble?