Song Quotes

If you are Gloria Gaynor, what will you do?

I will survive.


In The Hunger Games, if Katniss hadn’t volunteered to take her sister’s place, what would have happened?

Her sister, Prim, would have gone to the Games.


If Isaac Newton hadn't sat under the tree, what would have happened ?

We wouldn't know about gravity.


If Van Gogh hadn't moved to Arles, how might his painting style have changed?

His colors might have remained darker and less vibrant.


If you go to ESIGELEC what diploma will you be given?

If I go to ESIGELEC I will be given a "generalist engineer" diploma.


If you leave me now, what will happen ?- If you leave me now (Chicago)

You will take away the biggest part of me.


If I were Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense,

I would be a dead person.


If you could manipulate time like Einstein predicted, how would space be affected?

Use your idea but with the correct form !!!


If the Mona Lisa had been completed with eyebrows, how would the portrait look different?

Her expression would have seemed less mysterious.


What will happen if you learned the previous test's answers in order without understanding anything?

If I learn the previous test's answers I will get a passing grade.


If you were a rich man, what would you do ? - If I Were a Rich Man (Fiddler on the Roof)

I’d biddy-biddy-bum all day long.


In Back to the Future, if Marty McFly hadn’t made his parents fall in love what would have happened to him?

He would never have been born.


If Nikola Tesla had received more funding, how would the world have changed?

If Nikola Tesla had received more funding, wireless electricity might be common today.


If artists had not embraced abstraction in the 20th century, what style would have dominated instead?

Realism would likely have continued to dominate the art world.


If you need the answers to a test what do you ask your classmates for?

If I need the answers to a test I ask for the google drive link.


What would Gary Allan have done if he had known that you wanted him?

He would have given you his heart.


In The Matrix, if Neo had taken the blue pill, what would he have continued to do?

He would have continued living in the Matrix/normally/like before.


If you combine sodium and chlorine, what compound forms?

If sodium and chlorine are combined, they form sodium chloride (salt).


If the Dutch Golden Age had not embraced realism in painting, how would its art have been different?

The art would have been more idealized or focused on religious themes rather than everyday life and portraiture.


If you were Etienne CRAYE how would you make decisions?

I would flip a coin/roll a dice/go on vibes.


If you could be a rich man, what would you do all day?" (Reference to "If I Were a Rich Man" - Fiddler on the Roof)

If I could be a rich man, I would biddy-biddy-bum all day long.


If you were Quentin Tarantino what infamous self insert scene would your movies regularly include?

If I were Tarantino, my movies would include a foot scene.


If the Chicxulub asteroid had missed Earth, what would have happened to the dinosaurs?

If the asteroid had missed, dinosaurs would have dominated Earth longer


If Caravaggio had not used dramatic lighting in his paintings, how would his works have been perceived?

They would have lacked the sense of depth and emotion that makes them so powerful.


What competition did the oldest club start and what name would it have if it hadn't changed.

If it hadn't changed name the CDFR would be called E=m6.