Militarization and Sexual Violence
Bolivia and Mascalinity
Masculinist Protection
Militarization and Globalization
Maternal Thinking

61,000 is the number of ____ that are accepted by the VA to have had service-related sexual assault done upon them.

What are men?


Military service turns “men” into ________ in Bolivia.

What are Citizens?


Masculinist protection is more like ______ power than dominative power that exploits those it rules for its own aggrandizement.

  • What is Pastoral?

This is a crucial tool to use today in making sense of the links between two of the world's most potent trends: globalization and militarization. It involves asking questions about where the women are at.

What is Feminist Curiosity”?


Sara Ruddick presented this concept by which she means a distinctively "maternal" shape of moral and political reasoning and practice. To protect, to nurture, and to train characterize this concept.

What is Maternal Thinking?


According to a study by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) of all forty-eight conflicts in Africa between 1989 and 2009—64 percent of armed groups were not reported to have engaged in any form of this.

What is Sexual Violence?


This booklet ensures citizenship for men.

What is the Military?


Masculinist protection is similar to this 16th-17th century political philosopher’s theory.

What is Thomas Hobbes?


_____ is the step-by-step process by which anything- a movie industry, vegetable production, law enforcement, banking, the nursing profession, higher education, an individual's own sense of identity, human rights, environmental activism, or a women's movement-becomes more interdependent and coordinated across national borders.

What is Globalization?


Sara Ruddick has identified _______ as an essential element of maternal thinking.  This carries the double connotation of loving care and of passive resistance.

What is “Holding” or “Holding On”?


Despite the common image of the female victim, awareness is increasing that this group may also suffer sexual violence, including rape and sexual torture, during wartime.

What are males/men?


The Military booklet is vital to being allowed to work in this type of employment.

What are Factory Jobs?


In this patriarchal logic, the role of the masculine protector puts those protected, paradigmatically women and children, into this position.

What is Subjugated?


_____ is a process that adopts the values such as a belief in hierarchy, obedience, and the use of force and results in citizens to take on these priorities as one’s own.  The process results in citizens seeing the world as a dangerous place best approached with militaristic attitudes. These changes may take generations to occur, or they may happen suddenly as the response to a particular trauma.

What is Militarization?


maternal thinking under conditions of scarcity, political disruption, and violence can instead be guided more by this metaphysical stance of this. It is viewed as the different to Ruddick’s “Holding on” and can represent a "peaceful" resignation to events they could not easily overcome what considering the death of a mother’s child.

  • What is “Letting Go”?

According to recent research, _____ have conducted a surprising amount of sexual violence during war. _____ have traditionally been assumed to be only victims and not to have conducted sexual violence during war.

What are Females/women?


Military conscription in Bolivia does this to regional and ethnic divisions.

What is Increases?


This act severely reduces the power of courts to review and limit executive actions to keep organizations under surveillance, limit their activities, and search and seize or detain individuals.

What is the PATRIOT Act?


______ is a movement, with its loose but often effective networks of environmental activists, anti-sweatshop activists, pro-democracy advocates, and local culture defenders, which is itself a major result of globalizing trends.

What is anti-globalization?


Militaries and war cannot proceed without the idea of ________ and this is where Maternal thinking and military thinking can converge during times of war, disruption, and political trauma when maternal thinking produce resignation, accommodation, and acceptance of horrible deaths.

What is "acceptable death"?


_______ is the annual amount of men sexually assaulted in the military.

What is 10,000?


Suffering is a prerequisite for manhood; Poor people like themselves can tolerate suffering more than others; and the _______ people have special abilities for warfare.

What are the Aymara?


Feminists endorsed male imperial leaders’ assessment of the status of women in other nations as a measure of their level of this.

What is Moral development?


Something becomes ______ only when a lot of people do two things: first, they start questioning it and stop taking it for granted, and second, they begin to believe it deserves public attention and public resolution.

What is an “issue”?


Ruddick evokes the powerful image of this that translate to the mother of sorrows, as the symbol for maternal peacekeeping.

What is mater dolorosa?