What did the Constitutional Act do?
Split the province of Canada into 2 parts - Upper Canada and Lower Canada.
Why was Lord Durham brought over to BNA?
The people of BNA were rebelling.
What did the founding fathers do?
Made Canada its own country.
What was Macdonald's ultimate dream?
To have a country from sea to sea.
Wanted to keep ties with Britain, but give provinces power
What was the political deadlock during confederation?
Where was the split between Upper and Lower Canada?
Ottawa River.
What was Durham's goal?
To find out needed to change
Who were the 2 main founding fathers?
What did Carter want?
Wanted powers for provinces to protect French language and Catholic religion
What was one French concern?
1. They wanted their language to be recognised.
2. They wanted to practice the Catholic religion.
Who lead the newly established colonies?
Governor and elected assembly.
What was one of his suggestions?
1. To unite Upper and Lower Canada into 1 colony
2. They should have responsible government
Who were the other 2 very important founding fathers?
George-Etienne Cartier and Etienne-Paschal Tache
What did Brown think about confederation?
Didn’t support Confederation at first
What was the expectation about Western expansion during confederation talks?
There was a huge need for clear land for farms and gather more resources.
How did this Act lead to the Upper and Lower rebellions?
What type of government did he suggest?
Responsible government
What political party represented Upper Canada?
John A Macdonald and Liberals
What was Brown's idea instead of confederation?
Thought Canada needed ”Representation by Population”
What was an issue concerning the USA?
They worried that the American Annexation would mean they also wanted to forcible take control of other parts of BNA.
When did Canada become a country?
July 1st, 1867
To get rid of French language and culture.
What political party represented Lower Canada?
George Brown and the Conservatives.
What did Tache wanted?
1. Wanted cooperation between leaders in Canada East and West
What were the trade challenges during confederation talks?
They wanted to improve trade relations with other British colonies.