Principles Taught
Blessings Promised
Who said that?

Elder Allen D. Haynie shared a story that had to do with smashing empty water bottles. The point of the story was to teach this Gospel principle. 

What is "follow the living prophet?" (or something similar to that)


A story told by Elder Dale G. Renlund discussed a natural phenomenon that occurs twice a year and affects this large river. 

What is the Amazon River? 


"As you walk the covenant path, from baptism to the temple and throughout life, I promise you _____ to go against the natural worldly flow." This statement was made in reference to a story told by Elder Dale G. Renlund. 

What is power? 


He said: "My dear brothers and sisters, how we treat each other really matters! How we speak to and about others at home, at church, at work and online really matters. Today, I am asking us to interact with others in a higher and holier way."

Who is President Russell M. Nelson?


His Majesty Nii Tackie Seiko Tsuru II was a the guest of Elder Ronald A. Rasband at conference. He is a Leader of this African nation. 

What is Ghana? 


The Savior's message is clear: His true disciples build, lift, encourage, persuade, and inspire--no matter how difficult the situation. True disciples of Jesus Christ are _________.

What are peacemakers? (From President Nelsons Talk "Peacemakers Needed")


This speaker told the story of B.H. Roberts to illustrate the importance of being one and avoiding discord. The story also emphasizes the importance of recognizing and yielding at times, to the authority of God. 

Who is Elder D. Todd Christofferson?


Elder Kevin R. Duncan said: "I witness that you will feel _____ more and more as you enter the holy temples of the Lord."

What is joy? 


"As followers of Jesus Christ, we seek to minister to others as He would becuase lives are waiting to change."

Who is Elder Gerrit W. Gong?


Temples were announced in these countries. Name 3 of the 8 countries announced that will be getting a new temple. 

What is: Guatemala, Peru, Brazil, Phillippines, Indonesia, Germany, Canada and the USA.


Elder Peter F. Meurs taught that the Savior's healing and redeeming power applies to accidental mistakes, poor decisions, challenges and trials of every kind--as well as to our sins. He illustrated this principle by relating it to this incident that happened to him and his family and caused him to struggle with feelings of guilt and remorse. 

What is the accident he caused when he fell asleep at the wheel of the family vehicle? 


President Russell M. Nelson told a story about an incident that occurred during his surgical internship. A frustrated surgeon threw a scalpel and it lodged in Dr. Nelson's forearm. This was the topic of President Nelson's talk. 

What is be a peacemaker. ("Peacemakers needed")


Sister Camille N. Johnson (RS General Pres) said "Covenant keepers are blessed with the Savior's _____."

What is relief?


He said: "The term covenant path refers to a series of covenants whereby we come to Christ and connect to him. Through this covenant bond, we have access to His eternal power."

Who is Elder Dale G. Renlund


Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita and Elder Randall K. Bennett both spoke on this topic. 

What are Patriarchal Blessings? 


Elder K. Brett Nattress told a story of a young man who he knew who strayed from the covenant path and struggled with addiction. This young man eventually had a mighty change of heart and became a "modern Alma the younger." The story illustrates that there is always a way back, as difficult as it may appear to both the person as well as for those around him/her. He mentioned a scripture that showed how the Lord feels about us. This book of scripture was quoted more than any other in this conference. 

What is 3 Nephi? (Specifically, the visit of the Lord to the people in America and how he ministered to them one by one and healed them)


She told a story about her Dad calling her to let her know he had been diagnosed with ALS. He felt prompted to tell her: "Never give up an opportunity to testify of Christ."

Who is Bonnie H. Cordon (YW General President)


President Russell M. Nelson said if we come unto Jesus he will ______ us. 

What is heal?

"I plead with you to come unto Him so that He can heal you! He will heal you from sin as you repent. He will heal you from sadness and fear. He will heal you from the wounds of this world."


He said: "Jesus Christ is the strength of families. Jesus Christ is the strength of youth. Jesus Christ is the strength of parents."

Who is Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf? 


Elder Mark A. Bragg was taught a valuable lesson by this legendary basketball coach about maintaing poise in the storm.

Who is John Wooden? 


Elder Evan A. Schmutz quoted President Nelson from last conference who taught this principle: "What does it mean to overcome the world? Among other things, he said, "It means trusting the doctrine of Christ more than the ________ of _____." 

What is the philosophies of men? 


Elder Carl B. Cook shared a story about how he felt inadquate after being called to the quorum of the seventy. On his first assignment he was taught by both word and example of this apostle how to follow the spirit in this new assignment. 

Who is Elder Boyd K. Packer? 


This person said: "I testify that following Him is the only way to enduring happiness. I know that His power is descending upon His covenant-keeping people, who are "armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory."

President Russell M. Nelson


He said: "I briefly have described several of the many ways we can abide in the Savior. And I now invite each of us as His disciples to ask, seek, knock, and learn for ourselves by the power of the Holy Ghost other meaningful ways we can make Christ the center of our lives in all that we do."

Who is Elder David A. Bednar? 


Elder Uceda taught us about how to minister to one another as the Lord would have us do. He talked about three of the Savior's parables that may have actually been part of one single parable meant to teach the importance of ministering to the one. Luke 15 features these three parables of Christ. They all have in common the fact that something was lost. These are the three things that were lost. (100, 10 and 2 are key numbers in the parables)

What are sheep, a coin and a prodigal son?