Fill in the blank: "Even as the storms of life in an often troubled world pound upon us, we can cultivate a growing and abiding sense of ___ and inner peace because of our hope in christ and our understanding of our own place in the beautiful plan of happiness." -Patrick Kearon
Elder Rasband said "_____________ is a sacred work. We do not sit quietly by, but actively defend him, follow his council, teach his words, and pray for him."
To hold up the prophet
Who said "more lifting, less memory"?
Ronald Rasband
What two people are the source of all truth according to Sister Browning?
What did President Nelson say to make our highest priority?
Our discipleship to Jesus Christ
Who said "When it comes to matters of salvation and eternal life, our theme song ought to be, "I did it God's way." because truly there is no other way"
D. Todd Christofferson
According to President Eyring, "Because we need the promptings of the Holy Ghost, we must avoid _________ or _______ ________".
Speculation or personal interpretation
According to president Jeffrey R. Holland, Jesus Christ is one who could administer _____ and _____ at the same time?
Grace and Truth
Fill in the blank: "We don't just make _______ ________, we keep them" -Emily Belle Freeman
Covenant Promises
I promise every sincere seeker of _____ _____ will find him in the ______.
Jesus Christ, Temple
Fill in the blank: "What works for thee, works for _____" - Elder Soares
Fill in the blank: "One of the surest ways to avoid even getting near false doctrine is to choose to be ______ in our teaching. Safety is gained by that _______." -President Henry B. Eyring
Simple, simplicity
Fill in the blank: "We must not be guilty of any such simplistic versions of Him that conveniently ignore teachings we find ______" - Elder Holland
Who said "Your willing obedience to God's commands, despite not having a complete knowledge of his reasons places you in the company of his prophets."
Sister Browning
What is the most crucial question each of us should answer?
"To whom, and to what should I give my life?"
Fill in the blank: "Just as ____ in it's purest form has the power to enhance and preserve, so too does our faith in Jesus Christ when it is nourished and protected by our dedication to Christlike service and love." -Jose A. Teixeira
According to Elder Uchdorf, "When it comes to nourishing our testimonies of Jesus Christ, I wonder if we sometimes mistake the ______ for the _____?"
Branches for the roots
Fill in the blank: "It would be easy for Heavenly Father to simply give you all that He has. His desire is to help you _____ all that He is." -Brad Wilcox
When Sister Yee "ruined" her painting she said "He was not done with the painting, and he was not done with __. What joy and relief filled my heart."
President Nelson reminds us that "Jesus Christ took upon Himself your sins, your pain, your heartaches, and your infirmities, we do not have to _____ _____ ______!"
Bare them alone
Who said "There is no 'my way' if we are to follow the example of Jesus Christ"
Elder Christoffersen
Fill in the blank: "To decisively and unquestioningly make the Lord's will ___ ____ requires majestic and heroic discipleship." -Elder Soares
Our own
Which apostle said "God loves and sustains us as we face the drama of life"?
Ronald Rasband
According to Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus, after she told the story of David and Goliath, what are the 5 stones of strength?
My love for God, my faith in our Savior, the knowledge of my true identity, my daily repentance, my access to God's power.
Name 2 promised blessings of worshipping in the temple according to President Nelson.
Hold fast to the iron rod, protect you, bolster your testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement, bolster your testimony of understanding God's plan, and soothe your spirit during times of pain.