Teacher : Student
(1 on 1)
Peer : Peer
(1 on 1)
Teacher : Students
(Small Group)
Independent Workers
When having a teacher/student conference, how loud should the dialogue be?
A whisper.
When do you sign up for a peer conference?
At the very end, after you've exhausted all possible self-revisions and self-edits.
What is the purpose of a small group conference?
To review a mini lesson that has already been taught that unit.
After finishing up a conference (any of the 3 types), where should students log this information?
On the Conference Log (in the conference section of their binder).
How many minutes should a student/teacher conference last?
3-4 minutes
How do you find a peer to conference with?
Sign up on the clipboard and go with the person who signs up next to you. NO SKIPS!!!!!!
How do you know which small group conference you'll be in?
You choose based on an area of your piece that you think needs the most work.
What should independent workers (those not conferencing) be doing while others conference?
Writing quietly and independently.
Ms. Hanner will begin a teacher/student conference by asking, "How's it going?" What are two things that the student should be prepared to discuss?
1). one element that he/she is proud of in their piece, and 2). one element that he/she has a question about or is challenging him/her
What makes a peer conference effective?
Giving CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, so that actual changes can be made.
How may minutes is a small-group conference?
8-10 minutes.
What should you do if you have to go to the bathroom while Ms. Hanner is conferencing?
If the sign is green, sign out, flip sign to red, and go.
Where should the student keep track of these conferences?
In the conference log (under conferences in binder)
What sheet should you use for peer conferences?
TAG sheets T - Tell the reader something you like A - Ask a quality question about the peer's writing G - Give the writer a suggestion to improve
What do you do immediately after a small-group conference (besides logging it in your conference log)?
Apply changes to your piece based on the mini lesson review.
What should you do if you have a question about your piece while Ms. Hanner is conferencing?
1-2-3-Me Parking Lot