Minister of Confession. (who is the one you tell your sins too in confession)
What is Priest.
Disobedience of God's law in lesser manners.
What is Venial Sin.
Definition of sin
Any willful thought, word, or action that goes against God's law and that harms one's relationship with God.
Liturgical season of penance and preparation.
What is Lent.
What do you need in order to go to confession?
The willing violation of God's law in a serious manner. Destroys the relationship with God.
What is Mortal Sin.
The way we make amends for our sins or work to repair our relationship with God
What is Penance.
Minimum number of times Catholic should go to Confession each year.
Twice a year
What is the pray you say after the priest give you penance to say you are truly sorry for your sins?
Act of Contrition
True or false: it is ok to have contrition coming from fear of sin's consequences more than from love of God.
False, this is Imperfect Contrition (not true contrition)
Reconciliation/confession restores ___ within us.
What is God's grace.
What time of year is it required/highly suggested that Catholic go to confession?
1. Before Christmas
2. Before Easter
What is called when the Priest cannot tell anyone the sins confessed to him.
Seal of Confession.
Definition of Contrition.
Truly feeling sorry for ones sins, this is motivated by love for God.
Name 3 Effects of Confession.
Forgiveness of sins, restores grace to the soul, gives grace to overcome sin and strengthen against temptation, reconciles us with God and the Church, gives peace of mind and spiritual comfort.
A simple, easy way to examine conscience (hint: we learned them last semester)
What is Review Ten Commandments and the sins against them.
What are 3 essential parts of the sacrament of confession? (hint: vocab words)
Contrition, Penance, and forgiveness
When we die, where do we go to get purified from our sins
Definition of Sacrament of Confession.
What is The sacrament through which sins committed after baptism are forgiven.
What should we begin and end confession with?
Sign of the Cross