Two things you do before going to confession
Examination of Conscience and Contrition
How often should I go to confession?
At least once a year, but it is recommended to go once a month.
What 2 commandments does this action fall in? -I gossip about my classmates online and say mean things that I know are not true.
5th and 8th Commandment
When I take other peoples work off the internet and claim it as my own or use AI, what commandment do I violate?
7th Commandment
What is the next step after Examination of Conscience and after knowing your sins? In order to go to confession you must have true ____________
Be sorry for your sins (contrition)
Can a priest tell anyone your sins?
No, priests take a "Seal of Confession," which means that anything said during confession is completely confidential and must never be revealed by the priest to anyone
What is the phrase you say after you make the sign of the cross at the beginning of confession?
"Bless me father for I have sinned. This is my ______ confession and here are my sins"
What is another word for contrition?
To feel sorry for
What does the priest give you after you confess your sins?
Why do I confess to a priest and not to God directly?
Jesus gave the power to forgive sins to the apostles.
What does Father give after your Act of Contrition?
Going to confession and coming out free of sin is like...
Going to the hospital and leaving healed