Main Idea
Author's Purpose
Understanding Text
Supporting Evidence
Author's Point of View
Stating the main points of a passage in a shorter form.
What is summarizing?
To give knowledge without bias and remain neutral.
What is to inform your readers?
A punch to the eye resulted in a black eye.
What is cause and effect?
Facts, statements or examples that helps us understand the main idea.
What are relevant details? OR What are important details?
Experiences or beliefs that influence the way an author writes.
What is an author's point of view?
Reaching or (guessing) a conclusion based on known facts or evidence.
What is inferring?
To provide humor and amusement. Often the purpose of poetry and literary works.
What is to entertain your readers?
One describes how things are alike and the other shows how they are different.
What is compare and contrast?
He studied law at Harvard University and graduated at the top of his class. He has been a practicing human rights attorney for the past twenty years. His knowledge on the subject is highly valued.
What are expert opinions?
Expressed through the words and details that he/she selects. Another description for the tone of a story.
What is author's attitude?
Restating text or a passage in your own words.
What is paraphrasing?
To convince someone to think a certain way. Bias is present.
What is to persuade your readers? OR What is persuasive text?
The attitude of a writer towards a subject or audience. (Examples include:formal, informal, serious, comic, sarcastic, sad, cheerful, etc.)
What is the definition of tone in written work? OR What is tone?
Personal participation or background knowledge that affords you the right to claim you have this.
What is experience?
Gathering clues from the text, analyzing, testing then putting everything together to come up with a result.
What is drawing conclusions and making inferences?
Facts, statements or examples that helps us understand the main idea.
What is identifying relevant details? OR What is supporting evidence?
To break information down and make the text clear and understandable.
What is to explain to your readers? OR What is expository text?
The order in which two or more things occur involving the plot of a story.
What is sequence of events?
There are more black males incarcerated than are enrolled in Florida colleges. (example) 100% of Ms. Jackson students passed the FCAT 2.0 assessment with a score of 300 or better on the Spring administration of the assessment. (example)
What are facts/statistics?
Critical reading to disclose what point or claim is made, how is the claim is backed up with evidence such as statistics, logical development of ideas, and explaining how something works. A conclusion supports the the thesis or topic sentence.
What is understanding argument within the text?
Determining what a passage or topic is about.
What is identifying the main idea?
The reason or intention for writing.
What is an author's purpose?
Correctly identifying metaphors, similes, personifications, onomatopoeia,and allusions.
What is understanding literary poetry terms? OR What is comprehending figurative language?
Citing details, experience, facts/statistics and expert opinions when writing or answering questions.
What is the use of evidence to support the main idea.
Knowing the author's attitude and based on evidence in the text allows you to easily make a choice based on his/her tone.
What is which statement would the author agree with using the text to support your decision?