Confidentiality Basics
Legal and Ethical Standards
Group and Family Settings
Exceptions to Confidentiality
Wild Card!!

professional obligation that social workers must keep client information private

What is confidentiality?


This organization provides a comprehensive code of ethics that guides social workers in maintaining ethical practice, including issues related to confidentiality and client relationships.

What is the National Association of Social Workers (NASW)? 


This type of situation arises when a client is in a group therapy setting, and other members may unintentionally share sensitive information outside the group, challenging the social worker's ability to maintain confidentiality.

What is maintaining confidentiality in a group setting?


health information to be shared with insurance providers, information required by court order, suspicions of abuse or neglect

What are examples of exceptions to confidentiality? 


A persons phone number, address, social security number, medical records, etc.

What are examples of confidential information?


closing the office door and ensuring others cannot listen to private client conversations

What is a step to maintaining confidentiality?


This code says if a client is threatening to harm another person, then the social worker is ethically justified in disclosing confidential information to protect that person from harm.

What is the NASW Code of Ethics?


In a group therapy setting, one member shares personal experiences of trauma, asking others to keep this information private. The social worker must navigate this situation while considering the ethical implications of group dynamics and confidentiality.

What is the challenge of maintaining group confidentiality v. individual privacy?


Social workers may disclose confidential information if they believe a client poses a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable individual, such as a child or elderly person.

What is the exception for preventing harm of vulnerable individuals?


looking up your clients ex-boyfriends instagram online

What is a violation of privacy?


 social worker discloses client information to professional colleagues from another agency, without the client’s permission

What is breach of confidentiality?

Darius communicates with a client through a computer at a public library. There is a violation of the ethic of __________.

What is the violation of protecting client privacy and confidentiality?


This type of consent can enhance the commitment of group members to the group's purpose and confidentiality, reinforcing their dedication to the therapeutic process.

What is written consent?


When a court orders a social worker to release client records, this legal requirement creates an exception to the usual standards of confidentiality.

What is a court-ordered subpoena?

phrase used when a client dies and the clients right to confidentiality remains forever

What is 'once a client, always a client?'


legal requirement mandates that social workers report any suspicions of abuse or neglect of minors, even if it involves breaching client confidentiality

What is mandatory reporting?

this federal law protects client confidentiality with the needs of healthcare providers and insurance companies to share information

What is HIPPA?


A social worker might do this in a family setting where one member of the family wants to have an individual counsel session, but wants to keep it confidential.

What is referring the client to a different social worker?


When a client discloses that they are involved in ongoing criminal activity that poses a threat to public safety, social workers may face this ethical dilemma.

What is the conflict between maintaining confidentiality and public safety?


using strong passwords, using devices in a private setting, logging off and signing out of computer

What are some ways to ensure virtual session confidentiality?


support groups, counseling groups, and therapy groups have this

what is groups that have strict confidentiality guidelines?


established by the Tarasoff case, obligates mental health professionals to breach confidentiality if a client poses a serious risk of harm to themselves or others.

What is 'duty to warn' or 'duty to protect'?


during a group session, the social worker records all the group members confidential information on a single document.

What is a concern with group record keeping regarding confidentiality?