What is my name?
Loser/Tie: When you hear the word seal, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Ephesians 1:13-14
What is your Confirmation Leader name and where is he from?
Miguel, Sacramento
Loser/Tie: When you hear the word seal, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Ephesians 1:13-14
Who was the first Pope?
Loser/Tie: Has your view of Confirmation changed at all over the past weeks as we have been preparing? How so?
Romans 5:5
Name three Catechists besides me in Confirmation?
Miguel, Andy, Desiree, and Lucia
Loser/Tie: What is one thing you learned about Confirmation during Miguel’s talk?
Acts 2:4
What were the three days in numbers of Retreat?
October 25 26 and 27
What is one thing you can do on your own time to continue to prepare receive this sacrament?
Luke 11:9-13
What is the Holy Spirit?
Holy spirit is brought down to help guide us to Heaven.
Loser/Tie: Who have you chosen to be your sponsor? Why? If you have not picked one yet? Who and Why?
1 Timothy 4:12
What three are found in the Holy Trinity?
Father Son and Holy Spirit
Loser/Tie: Has your view of Confirmation changed at all over the past weeks as we have been preparing? How so?
Romans 5:5
How were the five people who gave a talk?
Sarah, Audry, Frances, Andy, and Isela
Lose/Tie: Do you think tat receiving this sacrament will make a difference in your life? Why or Why not?
Romans 8:11
Why does evangelize mean?
Speak the word of God
What is one thing that you can do on your own time to continue to prepare to receive this sacrament?
Luke 11:9-13
Spell Eucharist and what is the Eucharist?
Eucharist is the blood and body of Jesus
Loser/Tie: Do you think most people who get Confirmation fully understand what i happening in the sacrament or are they just doing it because it is what they are supposed to do next? Why?
1 Corinthians 12:13
What is the first meal you had arriving at Retreat?
Loser/Tie: Do you think most people who get Confirmed fully understand what is happening in the sacrament or are they just doing it because it is what they are supposed to do next? Why?
1 Corinthians 12:13
What are the three new creations we become when we are baptized?
Priest, Prophet, and King
Loser/Tie: Do you think that receiving this sacrament will make a difference in your life? Why?
Romans 8:11
Who is the Church and why did Jesus establish it?
Church is us and helps guide us when in doubt.
Who have you chosen to be your sponsor? Why? If you haven’t chose yet, who are you thinking of? Why?
1 Timothy 4:12
What is an example of a Retreat that has to do with Jesus?
40 days in the desert
Loser/Tie: What is one thing you learned about Confirmation during this session?
Acts 2:4
What are the 7 sacraments?
1 Baptism 2 Confirmation 3 Eucharist 4 Reconciliation 5 Anointing the Sick 6 Holy Orders 7 Matrimony
Loser/Tie: When you hear the word seal, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Ephesians 1:13-14