True or False. Sin is not just the big seven deadly sins or major atrocities. Sin can be any, little time we choose greed, comfort, pride, and glory over love.
True or False. As humans, we need healthy community to hold ourselves accountable to love better, admit our mistakes, and go through joys and sorrows together. The church is one kind of family that does this!
Who is our Lord and Savior?
Discipleship is all about knowing our gifts, which are from God, and being willing to use them for God’s glory rather than for our own glory. Name two gifts, talents, or personality traits that YOU PERSONALLY have that you can offer the world.
leadership, teaching, listening, humor, inclusiveness, empathy, etc.
Presbyterians have a unique governmental system. In particular, every church has a church council of nominated church members called “elders” that make up something called the ___?
Other than “God tells us not to,” name one reason we should turn from sin.
Sin hurts our relationships, gets us into bad habits, God’s grace to US is meant to be passed on to all, etc. Remember "we are wired to be kind"?
In the church, what is the name of those rituals meant to be special signs of God’s Grace in our lives? (We have two of them as Presbyterians)
True or False. By being inclusive, healing, and forgiving to ALL, loving everyone to the point of even death, Jesus fulfilled the purpose and laws of the Old Testament Scriptures. His life, death and resurrection "saves us" by showing us the promise (and our purpose) to share in eternal life with God.
True. Now we are assured that nothing, not stigmas, not past mistakes, not even our physical deaths, can separate us from being in God's arms.
Where in a worship service do we practice discipleship (gift spreading) and think about what we have to offer God and God's people throughout the coming week?
The Offering!
Presbyterianism has its roots in the 16th Century Protestant Reformation. At that time, what were religious leaders “reforming” against?
Corruption and authoritarianism in the Catholic Church. They were proposing God's Grace and more individualized thought.
During which part of a church service do we admit to our shortcomings together and trust that God still shows us grace?
The Confession and Forgiveness!
Name the Old Testament, Jewish ritual that connects with Communion, because it involves the importance of bread and God's faithfulness. It starts with a P.
If God gave the laws to the people as a means of grace, to help them, why did Jesus have to come? Why didn't the Law bring salvation?
People used the law to judge each other and themselves rather than depend on God. Also, nobody was able to fully keep the law. Salvation became about looking good or being perfect, not about trusting in God's love. Jesus came to show that we can never heal the world ourselves; only God can fully take away our pain and struggles and give us new life.
Explain this First Corinthians verse from the Apostle Paul in the context of the church: “The eye can’t say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 In fact, it is just the opposite. God has put together all the parts of the body. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored, every part shares in its joy.”
Everyone has a purpose in this world, and we need to be in respectful fellowship with each other to be the best society we can be.
What is the name of the book that guides the PC(USA) in everything from our theology, to how we govern our churches?
The Book of Order
Turning from sin keeps with the Old Testament idea of "covenant." Because God is faithful to us and has designed us for good, we should be loving towards God and everyone in return. What are two Bible stories we have discussed that shows God being trustworthy to God's people?
Bible stories of blessings include the Exodus; Laws in the wilderness; the gift of Jesus' healings and forgiveness; and much more.
Can you name two ways that YOU BELIEVE prayer could be helpful either for yourself or for the world? What are two things that prayer "accomplishes"?
Building gratitude, letting go of resentment, releasing emotional weights, feeling like you have someone who cares about you, developing dependence on God, advocating for those who need love and healing, etc.
If God is our all-knowing Creator out in heaven, how do we know that God truly understands what’s good for US humans and truly understands when pain happens?
Jesus; he experienced human life!
True or False. Discipleship literally translates to "the work of the people."
False! Sorry that's "liturgy"!
True or False. SCAPC is a member church of the PCA, the Presbyterian Church of America, a Protestant Church focused on God’s Grace that goes back to Reformer John Calvin.
False, SCAPC is a part of PC(USA).
PCA split off as another branch because of their more conservatives beliefs.
The question in Confirmation "Do you renounce sin" is also asked during what Presbyterian sacrament?
Baptism! In baptism your parents answered for you with their intention to raise you in the church and now you answer for yourself as you become a member!
There is a common form of Christian prayer in which we communally address God after gathering our intentions. It starts with a "c." Can you name it?
The collect!
Name the three “persons” of the Trinity, and name one unique quality/aspect/ability of God described by each of those three persons.
Father (Creator, ordainer, planner), Son (understander, Redeemer, shower of what a human life is), Holy Spirit (inspirer, comforter, advocate, SUSTAINER, moral compass).
"Will you be Christ's ________ _________, obeying his word and showing his love?"
faithful disciple
Catholics and Eastern Orthodox believers are Christian but they are not Protestant because they didn't come out of the Reformation. Can you name three other PROTESTANT denominations?
Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Anglican, Episcopal, Nondenominational, Evangelical, etc.