The number of sacraments.
The part of the Bible (OT/NT) where you would find what Jesus did and said.
New Testament
The city Jesus was born in.
One of Jesus' 12 Apostles
Peter, James, John, Philip, Judas, Mathew, etc.
A sacrament you can only receive once
Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders
The first sacrament every Catholic Christian receives.
What is the first book of the Bible?
The cause of Jesus' death
An apostle who used to be called Simon, but had his name changed by Jesus to "Rock"
He parted the Red Sea to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and towards the Promised Land.
A sacrament you can receive more than once in your life.
Reconciliation, Eucharist, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Matrimony
One of the four Gospels.
Matthew, Mark,Luke, and John
The number of Apostles Jesus had during His earthly ministry.
The famous patron saint of lost objects.
St. Anthony of Padua.
He betrayed Jesus to the Romans.
The "matter" of a sacrament is the physical aspect necessary for it to be celebrated validly. What is the matter of Holy Communion?
Bread and wine
He wrote more letters than anyone else in the New Testament.
St. Paul
The angel who told Mary she would be the mother of Jesus.
The head of God's angels who cast Satan out of heaven.
St. Michael the Archangel
A teenage girl who led an army against the British and returned the king of France to his throne. The patron saint of France.
St. Joan of Arc
The three sacraments of initiation.
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
4 (most people will say 3): 1st reading, Psalms, 2nd reading, Gospel
Stories Jesus used to teach the crowds about the Kingdom of Heaven, the nature of God's love, etc.
The first saint to have been born in the United States
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
According to St. John, the first public miracle Jesus performed.
Changing water into wine at the Wedding in Cana