Who are the ministers of the church
deacon/priest/ Bishop
what act of prayer is it when we confess our sins and make restitution and ask for forgiveness to amend our lives
What is penitence?
What is a voluntary act of denying oneself food,pleasure etc.
What is fasting
a sacrament for young people that is confirm by the Bishop with a slap on the cheek
What is confirmation
How many sacraments is celebrated in the church
What is 7
Who is the head of the church
What are the 2 types of worship
personal and corporate
When do we fast
on Fridays in lent/Good Friday
A man or woman given authority to preach the word and layout before the bishop
What is ordination
What is the outward visible sign of Baptism?
What is water/holy oil
Who assists the priest
bishop or deacon
What is responding to God by thoughts, by feelings and by deeds with or without words?
What is prayer?
What is the voluntary act of lessening the quantity of food one eats or denying one's pleasure
what is abstinence
When a man and a woman makes a vow in front of a priest and God.
Holy Matrimony
Who implemented the 2 most important sacraments?
Who is Jesus?
who represents Christ and the Church and as the Leader of the entire flock
Who is the Bishop
Name one principle of prayer
What is adoration/praise/thanksgiving/penitence/oblation/intercession and petition/oblation/contemplation/meditation
Why do Christians fast
A way to respond to God's message.
using the oil and the sign of the cross on a sick person
Anointing of the sick
What are the 2 most important sacraments?
What is Holy communion and Baptism
Who represents Christ and the Church and is a pastor to the parish people
Who is the priest
What type of worship is it when we offer prayers and celebrate the sacraments as a body.
How do we fast
we pray more
we eat less
we deny ourselves pleasure
we read our bible
confessing and repenting in the presence of a priest.
confession and absolution
What is the outward visible sign of Holy communion?
What is wine and water