Where does God reveal His will?
The Bible - His Word
What is the central truth of the Bible?
JESUS is the ONLY way of salvation
How has God given us His "Moral Law"?
(1) in the hearts of all people (conscience) and (2) in writing (ten commandments)
How do we take God’s name in vain?
When we use God's name carelessly or without respect.
What is the summary of the Second Table of the law?
It tells us how to love our neighbor.
By whom was the Bible written?
People chosen by God--Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists
What is the difference between the Law and the Gospel?
(1) Law shows our sin; (2) Gospel shows our Savior
What is a summary of the "Moral Law"?
We are to (1.) Love God and (2.) Love our neighbors (all people are our neighbors.)
How do we gladly hear and learn God’s Word?
When we hear and learn it thoughtfully (view it as important) and regularly (often).
Why has God placed parents and superiors over us?
To be blessings to us, to provide for our bodily and spiritual welfare.
How can the words written in the Bible by human beings be the Word of God?
The Holy Spirit breathed into the minds of the writers, the precise thoughts and correct words to use.
What three things show us that there is a God?
(1) creation-the complex world around us, (2) our own consciences, and (3 - most of all) the Bible reveals it.
Who has kept the Moral Law as God requires?
Only Jesus Christ has kept the Moral Law perfectly.
How do we despise God’s word and preaching? (2 ways...)
(1) By not rightly using the Bible and Sacraments and (2) neglecting worship.
What must we do if parents or superiors tell us to do what is wrong? Give a Bible verse as answer.
Acts 5:29 "We must obey God rather than men."
What do we call the miracle where God the Holy Spirit is the one who gives the writers of the Bible the very Words to use?
"Verbal Inspiration"
What does "Triune" (or Trinity) mean? ...And why do you believe that God is Triune?
It means 3 in 1. It is a clear teaching in the Bible that God is 1 God in 3 Persons.
What is the summary of the First Table of the Law?
It tells us how to Love God.
Why do we observe Sunday as a special day rather than Saturday (when the Old Testament people observed the Sabbath)?
Sunday worship points us to resurrection of Christ. Every Sunday is a little Easter for us!
How do we sin against the Fifth Commandment?
By (1) hating or not helping our neighbor, (2) bodily harm to others or ourselves, (3) unjustified killing, including murder, abortion, euthanasia (mercy killing), and suicide.
What assurance does the Doctrine of Verbal Inspiration give to us?
It assures us that the Bible contains no errors or mistakes.
What does the Bible teach about those who do not believe the Triune God?
Those who do not believe in the Trinity are not Christians and cannot be saved.
Of what do people make false gods? (3 things...)
(1) Themselves, (2) other people, and (3) created things.
Why is the use of God’s Word so important for us?
It is how the Holy Spirit creates and strengthens our faith in Christ.
What does it mean to "help and befriend our neighbor in every need"?
It means we seek to (1) protect, (2) be merciful and considerate towards, and (3) pray for our neighbor