Books of the Bible
Gospel of John
Lord's Prayer/Apostles Creed
Getting to Know Your Bible
Scripture Memory verses
The first book of the new testament
What is the book of Matthew?
This man baptized Jesus
Who was John the Baptist?
In the Lord's Prayer Matthew 6:9 what are the next 4 words that follow "Our Father in heaven"
What is "Hallowed it be Your name"?
Looking at your Bible's Table of Contents, what page does the Book of Esther start on?
Page 750.
This scriptures "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life"?
What is John 3:16?
The name of the prophet and the first prophetic book listed in the Bible
Who or What is Isaiah?
This was Jesus' first miracle (it happened at a wedding)
What is Jesus turned water into wine?
In the Lord's Prayer Matthew 6:9 what are the next 4 words that follow "your kingdom come"
What is "your will be done"?
From the Index to Charts following page 2017, on what page do the Parables of Jesus start?
What is page 1625?
In John 1:14 The Word became what? and made His dwelling among who?
What is flesh? and Who is us?
In Matthew 22:36-37, Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment in the law? The law he was referring to came from what book of the Pentateuch/Torah/Law? Hint book starts with a D.
What is the Book of Deuteronomy? Read Deuteronomy 6:5 aloud to receive your points.
This Pharisee came to ask questions of Jesus at night, and among the many things Jesus told him was that he would have to be born again to see the Kingdom of God
Who was Nicodemus?
This is the first line in the Apostle's Creed
What is "I believe in God the Father Almighty"
Let's say you have a question about what a verse means. Many times, where would you go in your Bible to find more explanation?
What is the green shaded part, on the sides of each page of your Bible?
Jesus answered "To love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your mind." to what question? Matthew 22:36-37
What is "Teacher which is the greatest commandment in the law?"
The number "66" represents what in terms of Bible Composition?
What is the number of books in the Bible?
In the story of Jesus feeding 5000 people what food did he start with and where did he get it?
What is 5 small barley loaves and 2 small fish? and what is a boy?
According to the Apostles' Creed, on what day did Jesus rise from the dead?
On the third day.
Let's say you want to to know what the Bible says about the subject of love. Where in your Bible would you look to find a list of all the verses that talk about love?
What is the Index to Subjects? (starts on page 1980)
Romans 15:13 says May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with what? by the power of the what?
What is hope? and What is the Holy Spirit?
Which Book of the New Testament is also the first "Letter of Paul" included in the Bible
What is Romans?
Jesus did this to heal the blind man in Chapter 9?
What is spit on the ground and made some mud with his saliva and put it on the man's eyes?
According to the Apostles' Creed, what ruler did Jesus suffer under?
Pontius Pilate
At the beginning of each book of the Bible, there's an introduction. In the introduction, there are questions that are addressed and answered. Name one of those questions.
What is who wrote the book? Why read it? When and where was it written? Why was it written? To whom?
Your word is a what?, a light on my what? Psalm 119:105
What is a lamp for my feet? and what is path?