What is the term used when we "miss the mark" and fall short of the ideals God has for us?
Who founded the Methodist church?
John Wesley
Name the 3 parts of the Trinity.
Father, Son, Spirit
What books tell us about the life of Jesus?
Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)
Confirmation is the affirmation of what sacrament?
Undeserved kindness and love that God give all of us.
Who reformed the church by writing the 95 Theses?
Martin Luther
Finish this verse from 1 John 4:8, "God is ________."
What are the first 5 books of the Bible called?
Torah (Law)
What do we call our Sunday morning gatherings?
Pastor Cade shared with us the soundtrack of our __________.
What question did John Wesley ask at every small group meeting?
How is your soul?
What do we call someone who follows God?
A disciple
The Bible was first written in what languages?
What does the ACTION prayer stand for?
Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Invitation, Others, Next Step (Listen)
What is another word for "just as if I'd never sinned?"
How often did John Wesley say we should take communion?
As often as we can
Where in the Bible do we learn that people are made in the image of God?
Genesis 1
What group of people realigns the Israelites to God?
What two things does communion symbolize?
Love & Belonging
This kind of grace comes to us before we are even aware of it.
Prevenient Grace
At Aldersgate, John Wesley described his heart as feeling what?
Strangely warmed
What is another name for God (besides Jesus)?
Creator, Healer, YHWH, Counselor, Prince of Peace, etc.
Who wrote the Bible?
What is it called when we share our story of faith with others?