Christian Service
Our Baptism
The Holy Spirit

In the Gospel of Matthew who said: Whatever you did to the least of my brothers, you did to me?

Who is Jesus

Three sacraments that initiate a person into the Christian community are:
What is Baptisim, Eucharist and Confirmation?
Jesus was baptized by his cousin.
Who is John the Baptist?
Catholics renew this during the Rite of Confirmation.
What are our baptismal promises?
Name the sacrament where the bishop prays for the gifts of the Holy Spirit in a special prayer.
What is Confirmation?
What is the result of respecting the God given dignity of all people and living in loving relationships with God and one another
What is justice
The name of the creed, a prayer that is based on the teachings and beliefs of the earliest Christians ( it is said in Mass every Sunday).
What is the Nicene Creed?

Name three signs or symbols that are used during baptism.

What are water, a white garment, a candle or oil?

Confirmation is a sacrament where we open our hearts and minds to :
What is the Holy Spirit or God the Spirit?
The name that identifies the church's birthday.
What is Pentecost?

The prayer at Mass that changes the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.


To join with others who share the same beliefs, to be nourished and transformed by the Eucharist in order to follow Jesus' example of love and service
Why do Catholics go to Mass on Sunday?
The blessing of the water used for baptism.
What is the special ritual at the Easter Vigil?

. The Chrism that it is used to anoint at Confirmation

What is form the Bishop or diocese and we receive it at our church during the Holy Thursday service?

Although there are more, name three of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
What are seven: wonder and awe, reverence, courage, right judgement,knowledge, wisdom, or understanding.

Working at a food bank, visiting a nursing home, running children's games at a church fair.

Acts of service

The sign of the cross expresses two catholic beliefs.
What is the Catholic belief in the Holy Trinity and Jesus death on the cross saving us from the power of sin?
Although many catholics are baptised as infants, some are baptized at the Easter Vigil. A name is given to the person being baptized at the Easter Vigil.
What are catechemens?
The reason a christian would choose a new name for confirmation.
What is to represent their personal growth and change?
Pentecost is when the Holy Spirit came to the apostles empowering them to carry on ..........
What are the mission and message of Jesus?

Taking time, listening, and caring.

Building a friendship or praying with God.


The Catholic belief of our final destiny.

What is we are called to a life of holiness and after death to be united with God and enjoy perfect happiness forever?


During baptism, water is poured over the person or they are imersed in water. The water used durig baptism is symbolic for:

What is dying to sin and rising to new life in God?


We celebrate the Holy Spirit within us at confirmationas a guide and strength to live as a Catholic follower of Jesus. During the Confirmation Rite what rituals will you experience that will symbolize this growth and commitment.

What is anointing with chrism and laying on of hands?


The gift of the Holy Spirit that enables us to know the differene between right and wrong.

What is right judgement?