The Candidate is anointed with this at Confirmation.
What is Chrism oil?
What is Holy Spirit?
The number of gifts of the Holy Spirit.
What is 7?
What is 7?
True or False: The Holy Spirit is never mentioned in the Old Testament.
What is False?
What you must do before receiving Holy Communion if you are in a state of mortal sin.
What is Reconcilliation?
The usual minister of Confirmation?
Who is the Bishop?
The type (category) of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
What is a Sacrament of Initiation?
The Rite of Confirmation takes place during ______.
What is Mass?
God's relationship with his Chosen People is told in _____
What is the Old Testament
Names chosen at Confirmation.
What are Saints names?
God's gift to us.
What is grace?
Name one of the three types of Sacraments.
What is Initiation, Healing, or Service?
What is another name for the Bible?
What is Sacred Scripture
What gift means having a steady will to do good? Also means courage
What is Fortitude
What is the ten fundamental moral laws
What is the Ten Commandments
What gift helps us grasp revealed truths easier?
What is Understanding
Confirmation completes this other Sacrament.
What is Baptism?
What is the mystery of God in three Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
What is the Holy Trinity
What gift means loyalty to God and divine things?
What is Piety
Personal conversations with God.
What is prayer?
What gift helps us to respond to God?
What is Wisdom?
Jesus' eight teachings about the meaning and path to true happiness
The Beatitudes
What gift helps us judge quickly and correctly?
What is Counsel
When the Sacrament of Confirmation was established.
What is Pentecost?
Blessed are the ____in spirit, for they will inherit the earth
What is poor
Through this God promised to remain in a relationship with His People
What is The Covenant
Our Bishop
Who is Kevin Sweeney
The bishop connects Confirmation to the Apostles and the early Church through the gesture of what?
What is the laying on of hands?
Through Baptism and Confirmation we are called to participate in Christ's what?
What is sacrifice on the Cross?
What gift means awe?
What is Fear of the Lord?
Name the Three Persons of the Trinity.
What is God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit?
The change of substance of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ; the miracle that happens at every Mass.
What is transubstantiation?
What gift means having awareness of God's plan for our lives?
What is Knowledge?
What are the 4 Marks of the Church
What is one, holy, catholic, apostolic