Name the Sacraments of Initiation:
Baptism, Communion, Confirmation
What does the word Catholic mean?
Jesus was asked “What is the GREATEST COMMANDMENT?” What was his answer?
2 you shall love the lord your God with all your heart,
Wisdom – Understanding – Right Judgment – Courage- Knowledge – Reverence – Wonder and Awe
True or False:
There are 3 Gods
False: There are three persons in one God
Name the Sacraments of Healing:
Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick
Who is our current Pope?
Pope Francis
In Jesus' teaching about the Last Judgment, who do you want to end up as in the teaching - a sheep or a goat?
Wisdom – Understanding – Right Judgment – Courage- Knowledge – Reverence – Wonder and Awe
Name three symbols of the HS.
Name the Sacraments of Commitment:
Holy Orders and Matrimony
What is a canonized Saint?
A saint that has a day set aside in the liturgical calendar in his/her honor.
“Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive men's sins, they are forgiven them; if you hold them bound, they are held bound.” (John 20:22-23). What Sacrament is linked to this passage?
What does acronym WUCKPuFF help us to remember?
An easy way to memorize the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit is the acronym: “WUCKPuFF”. W isdom U nderstanding C ounsel K nowledge P iety u (disregard. It helps make the funny word) F ortitude F ear of the Lord
What is meant by the Greatest Mystery of the Church – the Blessed Trinity?
three persons in one God – Father, Son, Holy Spirit
What is the one Sacrament only men can receive?
Holy Orders
What are the four marks of the Church?
one, holy, Catholic and apostolic
Jesus asked Peter and the others “Who do you say that I am?” Jesus is looking YOU in the eye. He asks YOU: “Who do YOU say that I am?” What is your answer?
What is your answer?
When do we first receive the Holy Spirit?
At Baptism
What is heaven?
The presence of God.
What is chrism?
Oil used for anointing at Confirmation that signifies grace and service to God.
What is the birthday of the Catholic Church?
What does being confirmed mean?
Confirmed in Faith
What is hell?
The absence of God.