Who is the ordinary minister of Confirmation who lays their hands on the Confirmandi and calls on the power of the Holy Spirit?
Will be wearing red vestments (same as Pentecost Sunday). A miter, a crozier, a ring = Represents: ceremonial hat - the word of God; staff of a shepherd of the Church; a sign of fidelity to the Apostles/Church
Holy Chrism (Sacrum Chrisma)
What is oil (matter) used at Confirmation?
Signifies grace and service to God. A sign that God has chosen that person for a special mission.
The Ambry holds the oils sent to parishes.
At Baptism
When do we first receive the Holy Spirit?
The Sacrament of Confirmation completes Baptism and strengthens you to live the faith in the world every day. Like Baptism, receive only once.
Wisdom – Understanding – Counsel/Right Judgment – Knowledge – Piety/Reverence – Fortitude/Courage - Fear of the Lord
What are the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Acronym WUCKPuFF
The ability to grasp the meaning of the Church's teachings and be tolerant and compassionate towards others.
What is Understanding?
Renewal of Baptismal Promises
What will Confirmandi and all present during the Confirmation Mass BOLDLY profess with the reply "I do!"
Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit
What words (form) do the Bishop use in the Sacrament that are spoken to the candidate?
Bishop then traces a sign of cross on forehead of Confirmandi.
Dove, Fire, Wind, Finger, Hand, Water
Name a symbol of the Holy Spirit?
We receive and accept the faith. With faith, we see the goodness of God in all of creation. We also see everything in relation to God and His eternal plan.
What is Knowledge?
The gift of wonder and awe, recognizing the greatness of God. We fear displeasing God and desire to be close to Him.
What is Fear of the Lord?
Laying on of Hands
How did the apostles pass on the gift of the Holy Spirit to those came after them?
The bishop will pray for the Holy Spirit to prepare you for Confirmation.
What do we say after Bishop says "be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit"
At Pentecost, 50 days after Easter
When did the Apostles receive the Holy Spirit?
Known as the birthday of the Church.
Allows us to know the purpose and plan of God and value it above all else. We see beyond life in this world and look toward Heaven.
What is Wisdom?
Makes us bold to stand up for and defend our faith in the face of persecution or being unpopular.
What is Fortitude/Courage?
The name the bishop will call YOU personally right before you are anointed/confirmed
What is your Saint name?
You selected a Saint who was a model to you and could guide you on your new mission.
Peace be with you
What does the Bishop say after you reply "Amen" to "Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit?"
charity/love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity
What are fruits of the Holy Spirit? CCC1832
Helps us know right from wrong and avoid sin. Allows us to make the right decisions in the face of temptation and evil and advise and guide others.
What is Counsel/Right Judgement?
Counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish the sinner, comfort the sorrowful, forgive injuries, bear wrongs patiently, pray for the living and the dead.
What are spiritual works of mercy?
Places hand on your shoulder and presents you to the Bishop
What does your sponsor do during the anointing of the Confirmandi before the Bishop?
Before and after, your chosen sponsor also helps the person confirmed to be a true witness of Christ and to live a good Christian life - spiritual mentorship.
And with your Spirit
What do you reply after the Bishop says "Peace be with you"?
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,who proceeds from the Father and the Son,who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,who has spoken through the prophets.
What words are professed about the Holy Spirit in the Nicene Creed?
Moves us to serve God in humility and love. Allows us to worship God because we want to, not because we feel we have to, in joyful service.
What is Piety?
Feed the hungry, give drink to thirsty, clothe the naked, visit prisoners, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, bury the dead
What are the corporal works of mercy?
True/False? Practicing the corporal/spriritual works of mercy is an option for Christians