Name the four Gospels
What is Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
Personal conversations with God
What is Prayer?
How many sacraments are there?
What is the number 7
The color vestment the priest wears during Ordinary Time.
What is the color green?
The patron saint of the catholic church in Russellville, AR.
Who is ST. John the Baptist.
This person's faith was so strong they were willing to sacrifice their own son.
Who is Abraham?
Number of Fruits of The Holy Spirit
What is the number 12?
During confirmation, the bishop says "be sealed with the"
Who is The Holy Spirit?
Name the four marks of the Church
What is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic?
The name of the priest giving the talks this weekend.
Who is Fr. Cassian?
Third commandment of God
What is Remember to keep holy The Lord's Day?
Sacraments of Initiation.
What is Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist?
Name four of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
What is Wisdom, Understanding, Understanding, Knowledge, Counsel, Fortitude (Courage), Piety, and Fear of The Lord (Awe and Wonder)?
The word Catholic means
What is universal?
The receptacle in the Catholic Church where the Eucharist is reserved/kept.
What is the tabernacle?
This name in Hebrew means "God saves."
Who is Jesus?
This means God became man.
What is the incarnation?
The usual minister of confirmation.
Who is the bishop?
This happened at Pentecost.
What is the birth of the Church or The Holy Spirit descending upon the Apostles?
Patron saint of this year's confirmation retreat.
Who is St. Pope John Paul II?
The Bible is divided into two parts. Name them.
What is The Old Testament and The New Testament?
Mysteries of the rosary focusing on Christ's passion and death.
What are the sorrowful mysteries?
The oil that is blessed by the bishop and used at Confirmation.
What is chrism?
The kind of mark left on your soul at baptism and confirmation.
What is indelible?
The promises you renew at confirmation.
What is baptismal?