These are the names of the four gospels
What are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?
There are this many sacraments:
What is seven?
This is the purpose of the sanctifying gifts.
What is "to make us holy?"
This is the purpose of the charismatic gifts.
What is "to help make others holy?"
This is the longest river in the world
What is the Nile?
This is the city where Jesus was born
What is Bethlehem?
This is the sacrament of initiation which "stirs up" the spiritual gifts that we received at baptism. It empowers us to live radically as missionary disciple of Jesus and boldly proclaim the faith by word and action.
What is confirmation?
This gift gives us a healthy, respectful reverence of God
What is fear of the Lord?
God gives this gift to some to some so that they may praise him unhindered by the constraints of human language. Sometimes it also manifests in the speaking of languages which the person does not already know.
What is the gift of tongues?
These are the only mammals with wings
What are bats?
This is the name of the hill where Jesus was crucified. (Look in your Bibles if you don't know)
What is Golgotha/Calvary? (both are correct)
This is the sacrament of initiation by which we are made into a new creation by water and the Spirit
What is Baptism?
This gift gives us a son's affection for God. It gives us a desire to please God out of this affection.
What is piety?
God gives this gift to people so that they might speak a message in His name to build up the community.
What is the gift of prophecy?
This is the school where Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson played college football.
What is the University of Miami?
This is the country that Moses led the Israelite slaves out of
What is Egypt?
This is the sacrament of initiation in which we receive the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ and partake in His divine nature. By consuming this sacrament, we gradually become more God-like.
“For the Son of God became man so that we might become God.” -St. Athanasius
What is the Eucharist/Holy Communion?
This is the gift that gives a firmness of spirit, and the strength to do what is necessary to accomplish God's will.
What is fortitude?
God gives this gift to some so that, by restoring health to someone's body, he might be glorified and faith in him be increased.
What is the gift of healing?
This US president had the middle name "Milhous"
Who is Richard Nixon?
This is the number of Israelite tribes, and the number of apostles who followed Jesus
What is twelve?
Name all of the sacraments and what they do. (You can work together on this one. Mr. Richard will judge if your explanations are good enough)
Baptism- Sins are washed away and the person is made a child of God
Confirmation- The Holy Spirit awakens the gifts that were given to us at baptism
Eucharist (Communion)- Bread and wine are transubstantiated into the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ. Then, by consuming this heavenly food, we become sharers in the divine nature.
Matrimony (Marriage) - A man and a woman are inseparably joined together for their mutual sanctification and for the raising of children.
Holy Orders - A man is ordained as a member of the clergy through a bishop laying hands on him.
Reconciliation (Confession) - Through the ministry of the priest, God forgives the sins of those who come to Him seeking His mercy.
Extreme Unction (Anointing of the Sick) - A priest anoints a sick person with blessed oil to ask God to heal them. Their sins are forgiven through this sacrament.
This is the gift which allows us to be led by the Holy Spirit and to know the right thing to do.
What is counsel?
This gift empowers a person to tell whether a gift or inspiration comes from God, from our human nature, or from Satan. This gift is especially important when we listen to a prophecy and try to ascertain whether it really is from God. It is also valuable in making decisions as to how we can follow God’s will in our lives.
What is the gift of discernment?
This is the number of bones in the human body
What is 206?