There are this many sacraments in the Catholic Church.
Each sacrament bestows ___________, in other words the gift of God's self to us.
What is grace?
This person founded the Catholic Church.
Who is Jesus?
These are the names of your Confirmation teachers.
Who are Mrs. Lesley and Mr. Nathan?
Which two testaments are contained in the Bible?
What are the Old Testament and New Testament?
This is the first sacrament one receives.
What is baptism?
Name two offices in the sacrament of Holy Orders.
What are deacon, priest, and bishop?
This is the name of our Pope.
What is Pope Francis I?
This is the name of the head priest at St. Monica's Catholic Church.
Who is Fr. John McCaslin?
Name two of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
What are wisdom, knowledge, understanding, fortitude, counsel, piety, fear of God?
This is the most sacred of all the sacraments.
What is Holy Communion, or the Eucharist?
This sacrament includes an examination of conscience, act of contrition, and pardoning of sins.
What is Reconciliation?
Name one of the four marks of the Church.
What are one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic?
This is the name of the parochial vicar at St. Monica's.
Who is Fr. Jack Wright?
This is the name of the Catholic Social Justice principle in which God commands us to take care of the environment and use resources wisely.
What is stewardship?
This sacraments describes those who have a call for entering religious life and becoming priests.
What is Holy Orders?
The word sacrament comes from a Greek word meaning __________.
What is mystery?
This is the name of the oil used at Confirmation.
What is Chrism?
This person was St. Monica's son.
Who is St. Augustine?
Name two of the seven heavenly virtues (includes 4 cardinal virtues and 3 theological virtues).
What are prudence, temperance, justice and courage; and faith, hope, and love?
Often mistaken for last rites, this sacrament is administered to those who may be undergoing a life-threatening surgery or are severely ill.
What is Anointing of the Sick?
This is the only sacrament NOT administered by a priest, deacon, or bishop.
What is Holy Matrimony?
This scripture passage says, "Whatsoever you do unto the least of my brothers you do unto me."
What is Matthew 25:40?
This is the year in which St. Monica Catholic Church was founded.
What is 1956?
The Catholic Church's canonical bible contains this many books.
What is 73?