The plan for intercolonial government and system for collecting taxes for the colonies defense.
What is the Albany Plan of the Union?
Mercantilism Acts that regulated trade.
What are the Navigation Acts?
This made American colonists responsible for feeding and housing the great number of troops stationed in the colonies.
What is the Quartering act of 1765?
Friend of Abigail Adams and Martha Washington who published pamphlets calling for a revolution.
Who Mercy Otis Warren?
December 1773, a group of Sons of Liberty poorly disguised as Mohawks dumped it's cargo into Boston Harbor, called this.
What is the Boston tea party?
The result of colonial expansion, the nine year war between the British and the French when the British tried to move into the Ohio valley. (The French had some help)
What is the French and Indian war or the seven years' war?
Also called the American revenue Act, this taxed sugar and molasses.
What is the Sugar Act.
In 1770, the Quartering act and the British soldiers taking off our employment competing with colonists for jobs caused this event, where a mob pelted rock filled snowballs at British soldiers. The British soldiers fired into the crowd killing 5 Colonists.
What is the Boston Massacre?
He wrote "Letter From a Farmer in Pennsylvania", a series of essays uniting colonists against the Townshend Acts.
Who was John Dickerson?
The British granted the founding of this company, a monopoly on the tea trade in the colonies, as well as duties to be collected on tea sales.
What is the East India Tea Company?
This was issued by the British forbidding settlement west of the Appalachians. It agitated colonial settlers, who regarded it as unwarranted interference in colonial affairs.
What is the proclamation of 1763?
This act forbade the Colonists to issue paper money.
What is The currency act?
This act before the sugar act was a tax on this item. Higher tax than in the Sugar Act, and was to impede French trade.
What is the molasses Act of 1773?
Thomas Paine wrote this
What is "Common Sense"?
The revolutionary war starts on July 4th, 1776, with the signing of this document.
What s the Declaration of Independence?
The Native American response to settlers moving into the Ohio River valley, encroaching on their lands.
What is Pontiac's Rebellion?
A broad based Act that taxed all legal documents and licenses.
What is The stamp act?
After the Boston tea party a number of acts were passed by the British, including this Act granting greater liberties to Catholics, who the Protestant majority distrusted, and extended territories, further impeding westward expansion.
What is the Quebec Act?
In June of 1776 Congress commissioned this man to writes rousing statement of it's ideals.
Who was Thomas Jefferson?
John Adams quote about this man, "_____ was always selected by deliberative bodies to lead, whatever the cause, because he was always the tallest man in the room."
Who is George Washington?
Prime Minister of England, who along with George III issued the sugar, the currency, and the stamp act. They thought the colonists should help pay the debts of the French and Indian war.
Who was George Grenville?
Named after a British prime Minister this Act taxed good directly from Britain.
What is the Townshend Act?
The English responded to the colonists push back with these Acts, which closed Boston Harbor to all trade except firewood and food until the tea was paid for, a new harsher quartering act and tightened English control of the Massachusetts courts and government.
What are the Coercive Acts (or the Intolerable Acts)?
This group of Protestant settlers in the Appalachians, that were Scots-irish, emigrated from Ireland, but technically Scottish, were known for early conflicts with local indigenous tribes.
Who were the Paxton Boys?
1977, the Continental Congress sent this, the first National Constitution, to colonies for ratification.
What are the Articles of Confederation?