De-escalation Techniques
Managing Family Expectations
Resolving Conflict with Colleagues
Active Listening & Empathy
Clear Communication Skills

What is the first thing you should do when a family member of a pediatric patient becomes upset about a delay in treatment?

Remain calm, acknowledge their concerns, and provide reassurance


How should you respond when a family member asks for a treatment explanation that is outside your scope of practice?

Politely inform them that the doctor will explain the treatment in detail, but you can answer basic questions in the meantime.


What is the best first step when you feel a colleague is not contributing equally during a shift?

Have a private conversation with them, expressing your feelings respectfully and offering to find a solution together.


What is one sign that you are actively listening to a patient or family member?

Nodding, maintaining eye contact, and summarizing what they’ve said.


What is one key element of clear communication when giving instructions to a pediatric patient?

Use simple, age-appropriate language and provide clear, step-by-step instructions.


Name one non-verbal technique you can use to help calm an anxious pediatric patient.

Maintain eye contact, smile, or use soothing gestures.


A family member asks for information about the patient’s progress but you are unsure. How do you handle the situation?

Let them know you will check the latest information and return shortly with an update.


How can you promote teamwork if tension is rising among team members during a busy shift?

Encourage open communication and offer to assist colleagues with tasks that may be overwhelming.


How can showing empathy improve communication with an upset family member?

It helps build trust and reassures them that their concerns are being taken seriously.


How can you ensure that a family member understands the discharge instructions for their child?

After explaining, ask them to repeat the instructions back to you in their own words to confirm understanding. Teach Back. 


What is a good way to de-escalate a conflict with a colleague who feels overwhelmed during a shift?

 Acknowledge their feelings and offer help with specific tasks, or suggest taking a short break to regroup.


What is one way to manage a parent’s unrealistic expectations regarding the immediate recovery of their child?

Provide clear and compassionate explanations of the typical recovery process, ensuring they understand timelines and potential challenges.


What should you avoid doing during a conflict with a colleague to prevent further escalation?

Avoid raising your voice, making personal attacks, or blaming them.


Give one example of an empathetic response to a parent worried about their child’s pain.

I can see you’re really worried about your child’s comfort. Let me check on the pain management plan for you


What is a helpful strategy when communicating with a non-English speaking family member?

Use a professional medical interpreter to ensure accurate and clear communication, rather than relying on family members.


What should you avoid saying to an upset parent that could escalate a situation?

Avoid saying things like "Calm down" or "There's nothing I can do," as it can come across as dismissive.


What is an effective way to manage a situation where a family expects immediate results from a treatment that requires time to show effects?

 Clearly explain the treatment plan, including the expected timeline for results, and emphasize that progress may take time. Reassure the family that the medical team is monitoring the patient closely and will adjust the plan if necessary.


What communication method can help resolve misunderstandings between two team members?

Active listening followed by restating the other person’s concerns to ensure clarity.


What should you do if a family member shares that they feel ignored by the medical team?

Acknowledge their feelings, apologize if necessary, and assure them that their concerns will be addressed. Follow up by ensuring that they are kept informed of the patient's care plan.


What is an effective way to handle a situation where multiple family members are asking questions at the same time, making communication challenging?

Politely ask them to appoint one person as the main point of contact or to take turns, ensuring that everyone’s concerns are addressed in an organized manner.


What are two de-escalation techniques you can use when a pediatric patient is afraid of a medical procedure?

Use distraction (toys, videos) and explain the procedure in simple, reassuring language.


What should you do when a parent insists on a treatment plan that contradicts medical advice?

Explain the rationale behind the recommended plan, and if needed, escalate to the medical team for a more detailed discussion.


How can involving a neutral third party, like a manager, help resolve ongoing conflict with a colleague?

They can mediate the discussion and help both parties find a constructive, mutually agreeable solution.


How can paraphrasing what a family member says show that you are practicing active listening?

Paraphrasing confirms that you’ve understood their message, which shows attentiveness and encourages further open communication. For example, "So you’re feeling uncertain about the next steps in treatment, is that correct?


What is a good strategy for maintaining clear communication when a family member becomes emotional or upset during a conversation?

Remain calm, acknowledge their emotions, and speak slowly and clearly. Pause to allow them time to process the information, and offer reassurance that you are there to support them through their concerns.