Types of Conflict
Negotiation Process
Negotiation Differences
What are the three types of conflict?
Task, Relationship, and Process
What type of view is described by "Encourages conflict on the grounds that a harmonious, peaceful, tranquil, and cooperative group is prone to becoming static, apathetic, and unresponsive to needs for change and innovation"
What is Interactionist View
What are the two types of bargaining?
What is Distributive and Intergrative
What are the five steps of negotiation?
Prep, Define rules, Clarify, Bargain, Implement
What are the 4 factors effecting how people negotiate?
What is Personality, Mood/Emotions, Gender, and Culture
Which type of conflict relates to the content and goals of the work
What is task conflict
What type of conflict supports the goals of the group, improves its performance and is constructive
What is Functional Conflict
What are the three requirements for integrative bargaining?
Shared Interest, Willingness to work together, and trust
In what stage of the negotiation process would you define your and your opponent's BATNA?
What is the preparation stage
When can showing anger in negotiations be effective?
When the person showing anger has at least or more power than the other person, when the anger is genuine and not fake, when the person usually demonstrates anger
What type of conflict is about how the work gets done
What is Process Conflict

What are the 6 sources of conflict?

Competition over scarce resources, ambiguity, faulty communication, competing roles, personality clashes, and stress

What is BATNA?
Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement, or "What do you have if you walk away from this negotiation?"
What type of bargaining is better for building long term relationships?
What is Integrative

What culture is more likely to incite concessions if they show anger?

What is East Asian

What type of conflict focuses on the interpersonal relationships
What is Relationship Conflict
What are the 4 best practices for managing conflict?
Manager your emotional responses, treat others' concerns as legitimate, honestly try to understand other points of view, and model good listening and problem solving skills
Using target points, aspiration range, and resistance points, describe where the settlement range is.
The settlement range is the overlap of the aspiration range, which is the range between the target point and the resistance point
In what stage of the negotiation process would you discuss where will it take place, who does the negotiating, time constraints, what issues will be discussed
What is the defining of the rules stage
What factors lead men to being seen as more effective negotiators?
They are more assertive, they care more about economic outcomes, are less likely to feel bad about their negotiating efforts
Which type of conflict is almost always dysfunctional?
What is Relationship Conflict

What are the three reasons that explain why you should make the first move?

Anchoring, Power/Control, and showcases research

What type of negotiation ends up being confrontational?
What is Distributive
When it comes to gender assumptions for bargaining, what is the one caveat to women being less assertive?
Women are more assertive when bargaining on the behalf of someone else than for themselves