Step one of basic conflict resolution is to...
What is soul search?
_______ can be the most difficult kind of conflict.
What is family conflict?
____ can be an opportunity for personal growth or set-backs depending on how you handle it.
What is conflict?
Three unhealthy ways to handle conflict are....
Yelling, name-calling, blaming, denial of mistakes, physical fighting, manipulating, lying, ignoring conflict, running away, and not listening.
When beginning to resolve a conflict, it is best to do it...
What is face-to-face?
Unhealthy people cannot...
Hear the word NO
___ is a conflict approach style that is aggressive, selfish, and non-empathetic.
What is bulldozer?
_____ is blatantly trying to cause bodily or emotional harm to someone by saying or doing harsh/aggressive things-typically towards someone who has not given a cause or provocation and cannot defend themselves.
What is bullying?
A ________ needs to be established in order to have a conflict resolved effectively.
What is a common goal?
Conflict with parents can difficult because of ____
What is power struggles?
_____ is a conflict approach style that is passive, non-assertive, and a victim.
What is a doormat?
When should disrespect other people during a conflict?
Use a ___ to offer constructive criticism and positive feedback.
What is a compliment sandwich?
When we ___ we learn something new.
What is listen?
_____ is a conflict approach style that is passive-aggressive, sly, sneaky, and manipulative.
What is a spikey doormat?
Bein open-minded and putting yourself in your partner's shoes is ____.
What is looking from their perspective?
Create a ___ and meet the other person in the middle to resolve the conflict.
What is a compromise?
A response hat lets the speaker know we received and understood their message is ____
What is positive feedback?
_____ is a conflict approach style that is empathetic, understanding, a good listener, open minded, and assertive.
What is a pillar?
Name 4 healthy ways to resolve conflict.
Use I-statements, speak face-to-face, compromise, active listening, etc.