Can you use your phones in group?
No! Unless it is an emergency.
What is conflict ?
Disagreement or opposition between two parties
What is resolution?
to resolve something
to find an answer to something
What is anger ?
A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
What does being projective aggressive mean ?
Projects anger onto others and/or may get others to act out on their anger for them.
What does being confidential mean ?
Whatever is said in the group stays in group!
What is Intrapersonal conflict ?
Conflict people have with themselves
What is a lose win resolution ?
In this mode, you try to satisfy the other person’s concerns at the expense of your own concerns
What does being an aggressive anger style mean ?
Anger is externalized, "turned loose"
what is a time out plan?
A plan created by you, meant to guide you to remain calm when you feel your anger escalating?
What does the time out rule mean ?
you get to exit yourself out of a discussion or situation(physically or mentally) when you feel that you are going to react negatively to it.
What is Intragroup conflict ?
Conflict within a group.
What is a win lose resolution ?
In this mode, you try to satisfy your own concerns at the other person’s expense.
What does being an passive anger style mean ?
Avoid conflict and confrontation
Can you feel angry because you are feeling other emotions as well ?
(Anger is also often tied up with other emotions, such as hurt, guilt, or shame, and linked to underlying conditions such as anxiety or depression.You might feel angry because you're lonely. Anger may mask unresolved hurt. Sometimes, anger emerges when our values or personal boundaries have been violated. Your anger trigger may be witnessing injustice in the world.)
What does the agree to disagree rule mean?
You do not need to agree with everybody's opinions/ideas but you can respect them without trying to change it.
What is interpersonal conflict ?
What is a lose lose resolution ?
In this mode, you work to sidestep the conflict without attempting to satisfy either individual’s concerns.(avoiding)
What does being passive aggressive mean ?
Outwardly agreeable, but showing the anger through indirect actions or sabotage
What are anger meters used for ?
To measure you anger levels by the end of the day.
What rule starts with an r and ends with a t ?
What is intergroup conflict ?
Conflict between two groups of people.
What is a win win resolution?
In this mode, you try to find a win-win solution that completely satisfies the concerns of both individuals involved.
What does being assertive mean ?
Anger is appropriately managed and communicated if necessary
What are the different components of conflict?
Emotional Intelligence