All About Conflict
Friends and Conflict
Problem Solving
Types of Conflict
Conflict Scenarios
What is conflict?
Conflict is a disagreement, or a difference of opinion. Sometimes conflict can cause a fight/argument.
Friends always agree on things. True or false?
False. It's normal for friends to not agree on everything.

We all make mistakes. How can be take responsibility for our actions?

Apologize for your part.


When people have different ideas about something.


Your friend sent you a mean note. What can you do to avoid a conflict?
Answers may vary (examples: Talk it out, use a calm voice, tell them how you are feeling, ask them to please stop).

What is an example of a conflict you might have with a friend?

answers vary.

Having a conflict means that you shouldn't be friends anymore. True or false?
False. Conflicts are part of life and many friends experience them. True friends will be willing to try and work things out.

True or False. It is easier to solve problems peacefully when you are mad. 

False. You should calm down first. 


Trying to hurt someone's feelings one time because you are mad at them.

mean moment

Someone keeps interrupting you when you're talking. What should you do to avoid a conflict?
Answers may vary (examples: ask them to please stop, use a polite/calm voice, share your feelings, take a break, let it go, ask for help from a teacher).

What is the first thing you should/can do when someone does something to you that you do not like?

Tell them to Stop!

True or false: Someone is always right and someone is always wrong in a conflict.
False. Conflict is a disagreement, and doesn't necessarily mean one person is right and one is wrong.

When you let the other person know what they did and how they made you feel. Then let them know what you need. What type of Resolution is that?

Talk it Out


Hurting someone's body or feelings, on purpose, multiple times.


Someone rolled their eyes at you while you were talking to them. What can you do to avoid a conflict?
Answers may vary (examples: walk away, ignore it, ask the person to stop, use Talk it Out or an I-message, talk to someone else next time).
Is conflict good or bad?
Neither. Conflicts just happen. They are part of life.

When would ignoring someone not be a good strategy to solve a conflict?



When you keep doing what you're suppose to do and dont let something or someone bother you. That is _____



Someone isn't thinking about how their words or actions may hurt another person.

Rude moment

Someone told you that your friend was talking about you at recess. What should you do to avoid a conflict?
Answers may vary (examples: talk to your friend directly, use a calm voice, listen, take a break if upset, ask for help, share your feelings, ask them to please stop).
When it comes to conflict, what part can be good or bad?
The choices we make can be good or bad.
__________ to others is an important skill to have when dealing with conflict.
Listening (but answers may vary)

Why do we want to solve our problems peacefully?

To keep things respectful and more peaceful for all in involved. everyone makes mistakes and its okay

The person being mean is older or bigger and has more power.


You and a friend were joking around, and you said something on accident that really hurt their feelings. What can you do to help solve this problem/conflict?
Answers may vary (examples: ask the person why they're upset, listen, apologize, accept responsibility).