Understanding Conflict
Communication Skills
Conflict Resolution Strategies
Peer Relationships

What is conflict?

A disagreement or clash between people with opposing needs, ideas, or beliefs


What is active listening?

Listening attentively without interrupting and showing empathy. 


What is finding common ground?

Seeking areas of agreement or compromise to resolve conflicts.


Why is it important to respect others' opinions during a conflict?

Respecting others' opinions fosters understanding and promotes peaceful resolution


Name the type of bullying: "A student creates a fake social media account pretending to be someone else and starts posting embarrassing photos of another student, tagging them in hurtful comments.”

Verbal and social bullying 


Name one type of conflict

Personal, interpersonal, or group conflict


What are "I" statements? Give an example.

Statements that express feelings and needs without blaming others, e.g., "I feel upset when..."


When might seeking mediation be helpful in resolving a conflict?

When parties cannot resolve the conflict on their own and need a neutral third party to facilitate communication.


How can empathy help in resolving conflicts with friends?

Empathy helps understand the other person's perspective and find common ground. 


What is social bullying?

When bullies manipulate others to turn against someone else, they might spread lies or twist the truth to make others dislike or reject the victim.


How do emotions impact conflicts?

Emotions can escalate conflicts or hinder rational communication


How can effective communication help resolve conflicts?

It facilitates understanding, promotes empathy, and helps find solutions.


Explain the importance of apologizing in conflict resolution

Apologizing shows empathy and respect, and helps repair relationships.


What role do bystanders play in conflicts, and how can they help?

Bystanders can intervene to stop conflicts and support those involved. 


What is the difference between snitching and telling?

The intent of the person reporting and the severity of the incident. 


What are some examples of personal conflicts?

Internal struggles such as indecision or conflicting emotions. (responses may vary)


Why is it important to avoid making assumptions during a conflict?

Assumptions can lead to misunderstandings and escalate conflicts.


How does forgiveness contribute to resolving conflicts?

Forgiveness releases negative emotions and allows space for healing and reconciliation.


What are some ways to prevent conflicts from escalating?

Using calm communication, seeking compromise, involving a mediator, etc.


Unlike other forms of bullying that may leave emotional scars, this type of bullying often leaves visible marks like bruises, cuts, scratches, or even broken bones. 

Physical bullying 


Explain the difference between personal and interpersonal conflicts. 

Personal conflicts are internal struggles, while interpersonal conflicts involve disagreements between individuals. 


Name one way to express needs and feelings respectfully during a conflict.

Using respectful language and tone, and avoiding accusations.


Name one strategy for resolving conflicts peacefully. - Seeking mediation, finding common ground, using "I" statements, etc.

Name one strategy for resolving conflicts peacefully. - Seeking mediation, finding common ground, using "I" statements, etc.


How can you rebuild trust after a conflict with a friend?

Apologizing, communicating openly, and demonstrating positive behavior.

Name four types of bullying. 

Cyber, physical, social, and verbal.