Related Definitions
Common Sources of Conflict

A preferred strategy that allows all parties to meet their needs without compromising, accommodating, or competing. It involves a balance of assertiveness and cooperativeness.

What is Collaboration?


This often causes friction due to varied routines and preferred style among residents.

What is Differing Personalities and Habits?


Recognizing and understanding the emotions and viewpoints of others to find common ground is known as this.

What is Empathy?


A successful tactic where both parties negotiate the larger points and give up some smaller points to reach a solution. This strategy works well when the parties have similar power levels, such as in contract negotiations.

What is Compromise?


Disagreements may arise over the use of common areas like lounges or dining rooms due to this.

What is Lack of Space and Privacy?


Identifying root causes of conflicts and collaboratively finding solutions is part of this approach.

What is Problem Solving?


A passive style where one party gives up what they want so the other party can get what they want. This style can be appropriate in some situations, but it's generally not very effective.

What is Accommodating? 


Disagreements can occur when residents have different interests in these community features.

What are activities and hobbies?


Allowing time for everyone to express their views and working through conflicts without rushing demonstrates this trait.

What is Patience?


An uncooperative, overly assertive strategy where one party insists on winning at all costs. This is also known as a win-lose strategy, and it doesn't allow for collaborative problem-solving.

What is Competing?


Misunderstandings or lack of clear communication can lead to conflicts. This might be exacerbated by different languages, hearing, or cognitive impairments.

What are Communication Barriers?


Being mindful of your tone and approach throughout a dispute is crucial for this conflict resolution skill.

What is Respect?


A valuable skill that involves listening attentively to the other person's perspective, acknowledging their feelings, and demonstrating understanding.

What is Active Listening?


Residents may experience tension due to perceived inequities in these areas.

What are staff interactions and service quality?


Managing and reducing tension during heated moments to prevent the conflict from growing. 

What is De-Escalation?