
The first thing you should do when you walk into your classroom. 

What is hanging up your belongings and turning in your folder


You're working on your Math assignment and one of your classmates passes gas. -OR- You are the one who passes gas. 

What is continue your work and ignore? -OR- What is say excuse me and your continue your work?


If a student "tattles" on you, what should you do?

1.) accept it

2.) try to change the behavior

3.) calmly explain the situation


During your conversation, your classmate tells a joke you don't think is funny.

What is:

1.) continue the conversation

2.) ignore the joke


A teacher gives you a directive.

What is listen to the teacher, and do as the teacher directed.


You want to use an ipad, or a classmate is using an ipad you want

1.)What is greeting your teacher and using manners to ask for the iPad

2.) ask the classmate if they are willing to switch ipads


You are working on your Math and you are getting frustrated. 

What is 

1. Take a breath

2. Ask teacher for help

3. Keep calm body 


The classroom is too loud, and it is making you upset.

What is ask a teacher:

1.) to take you in the hallway

2.) to take you to the sensory room

3.) for a break


While eating lunch or a snack, your trash falls on the floor, what should you do

1.) pick up your trash and throw it away


You would like to add your opinion to a subject, while the teacher is talking.

What is raise your hand and wait for the teacher to call on you.


You arrive in your classroom and do not want to socialize with your peers yet. 

What is nicely communicating that you would like to be left alone


During a lesson, the teacher corrects another student. 

What is respect your classmate by keeping your comments to yourself and keep looking forward


Your classmates are playing a game together, but you don't enjoy playing that game.

What is:

1.) Play alone

2.) Suggest playing a different game


While picking your seat, you want to sit next to a different classmate but that seat is taken.

What is:

1.) You can ask your classmates to switch seats

2.) You can ask to sit next to them another day

3.) You can sit in the open seat


While playing a game, your team loses.

What is:

1.) congratulate the other team

2.) try to win the next time


A classmate is too close to you, and you are not in the mood. What should you do?

1.) ask the classmate to give you space


2.) you can calmly move away


You get an answer wrong, and a classmate makes fun of you. What should you do?

1.) ignore the classmate

2.) continue to do your work


When is it appropriate to put your hands on someone else.

What is: Never

Bonus: Why?

1. it is inappropriate

2. people do not like to be touched


During lunch, you think it is funny to make fun of your classmate. 

What is be empathetic by:

1. Thinking about how that would make you feel.

2. Changing the subject.


During a special, you have been directed to participate in an activity you don't enjoy doing.

What is:

1.) participate in the activity anyways

2.) suggest an activity you enjoy for next time


A classmate moves your backpack off the hook your items were on. How do you respond

1.) calmly inform the classmate your items were there

2.) pick up your items and replace them on another hook

3.) if the issue continues, inform a teacher


During Language Arts, you want/are physically confrontational with another student.

What is self-regulate by:

1. asking for a break 

2. asking a teacher to help


You were upset about a situation so you decided to destroy property, or get physical. What should you do

1.) self regulate

2.) fix the damaged property or apologize

3.) ask for a break


During lunch, your classmate says something personal about you that makes you upset. 

What is:

1. calmly communicate you do not want to talk about that.

2. ask for teacher assistance 


While in Gym, someone accidentally/purposefully hits you during the activity. 

What is practice good sportsmanship by:

1. Calmly telling the person you did not like that

2. Tell teacher what happened