Besides your point of view, who else's point of view important when you are resolving an issue?
the other person.
Name 3 things that isn't helpful when you disagree with someone or are angry with someone (parents, friends)
silent treatment, yelling, threatening or name calling
Is raising your voice in a conflict healthy or unhealthy?
What is a compromise?
What runs along a backyard, but yet never moves?
A Fence
Why is listening helpful during conflict?
it lets both parties feel heard and understood
How do you take responsibility for how you feel?
use "I FEEL" statements
example: I feel angry when I am being ignored
Is it healthy or unhealthy to use the words "always" or "never" in a conflict/argument?
Unhealthy. Too general. It's hard for people to make positive change when you don't communicate specifically
why is it important to ask yourself "why do I feel upset?"
there may be other factors causing these feelings or their intensity.
I have one eye but am unable to see. What am I?
A needle
What is the first thing you should do before you say something during a disagreement/argument?
is it thoughtful? is it helpful? is it inspiring? is necessary? is it kind?
What is something you can say instead of name calling during conflict?
answers may vary
Is it healthy or unhealthy to make assumptions or jump to conclusions about what a person is saying?
Have you ever had a situation where someone made assumptions about you?
What is 1 assumption you make when you are in conflict with your parents?
True or False: To be able to solve an issue with others, you need to acknowledge the others point of view with respect?
Is this easy or hard for you to do?
What is always on its way, but never arrives?
I feel _____when you take things away from me.
How would you feel?
This is an example of an I statement.
What do you do when you can't say what you want to say?
Take a step back and BREATHE
Healthy or unhealthy: asking someone to repeat something or clarify something when you are listening to them
What is 1 other thing you do to show you are listening?
Is it okay to personally attack the other with slurs, name calling and accusations?
What can you do instead the next time you are angry and have an urge to say mean things during a conflict?
What invention let's you look through a wall?
A window
What are 2 POSITIVE things you can do next time you notice yourself getting angry with mom or dad?
Answers may vary.
take a break if you are too angry to talk
check in with yourself (How do I feel right now? Am I ready to talk?)
How do you know when someone is listening to you when you are talking?
eye contact etc
Healthy or Unhealthy: Jump into an argument when you're too heated to communicate calmly, honestly or respectfully
If the conflict is not reaching a resolution and is it okay to take a break or agree to disagree?
I can be cracked, made, told and played. What am I?
A joke