Getting Along
Respecting Differences
Being Assertive
Respecting Boundaries
Inner Conflict

Someone made a face at you. What do you do?

Ask in a calm manner why they made the face, take a deep breath, count to 3, etc.


You want to watch a movie but cannot agree on one.  How do you decide?

Play rock, paper, scissors; agree to watch the other person's movie next time, flip a coin


Someone asks for your help with something that you don't have the time for at the moment. How do you respond? 

I'm sorry, but I don't have time for that right now. I will let you know when I have free time to help.


Someone asks you a personal, invasive question. How do you answer?

I don't feel comfortable answering that.


You are feeling annoyed, angry, resentful, etc. with treatment, but at the same time, you know it will help. What can you do to solve this inner conflict?

Tell myself to take it one day at a time, stay grounded, get advice from my sponsor, write my feelings in a journal, talk with my counselor, tell myself that I'm worth the effort that treatment takes


Someone makes a joke that actually ends up hurting your feelings.  What do you do?

Use "I statements" to state how I feel, explain in a calm manner why it was not funny to me, say I would like them to not make jokes like that in the future


Your peer is discussing their story with addiction, and you're finding it hard to understand where they're coming from. How do you try to reduce judgment?

Get to know them more, ask them respectable questions as long as they are comfortable, talk about what we have in common


A friend invites you to go out to a place you know you will get triggered. How do you respond? 

Can we go somewhere else instead?  I still want to spend time with you, but that place triggers my ___.


Someone touches you as they walk past you, and you get uncomfortable. What do you do?

Explain to them that I do not want to be touched, ask them to keep their hands to themself next time


You have been isolating lately and can tell it is taking a toll on your mental health, and a friend has just invited you to dinner. How do you resolve this inner conflict?

Remind myself that I feel better after social interaction, acknowledge that more isolation will make things worse, decide that my mental and emotional health is my priority


You have been losing touch with someone you used to be super close with and care about a lot. How could you go about approaching a conversation about this?

Explain how I feel without placing blame on the other person, explain how much our friendship means to them, suggest a time to meet up with them or call


Someone talks to you in a condescending way. How do you respond? 

"Please do not talk to me like that", distance myself until I am calm enough to not lash out, explain how I perceived their tone to be condescending


Why does being assertive matter?

Being assertive matters because it allows me to clarify my needs in a way that respects myself 


You are standing very close to someone without noticing, and they ask if you could take a couple steps back. How do you respond? 

Step back, apologize, let them know you won't stand that close to them anymore


You just received $500 and you're trying to decide what to do with it. What can you do to make sure you make a good decision?

Make a list of things I'm saving for, create a realistic budget, make a list of my needs vs wants


A family member or someone you consider to be family says something rude about your recovery. How do you handle this situation?

Explain some of what I have learned in recovery to them, ask if they have any questions they would like to ask me, distance myself from this person


You make a comment that ends up accidentally triggering someone. What should you do?

Understand that everyone has different triggers, sincerely apologize, make a conscious effort to not make that comment around that person again


Someone makes a decision that directly affects you, but you don't agree with the decision they made. How do you talk to them about it?

Can you please explain your reasoning for this decision? I'm having a hard time understanding.

Your significant other tells you that you have crossed one of their boundaries. How do you respond?

Talk it out without taking offense, forgive myself because I didn't know, be more aware to not cross that boundary again


There are 2 routes home from work. One route passes a triggering place, and the other route passes Independence Grove. How do you solve this inner conflict? 

Remind myself of the consequences of getting triggered, have someone I trust drive me to and from work, use Independence Grove as a coping skill


You and your counselor have a disagreement. How do you address this situation?

Calmly talk to them about how I feel, use I Statements, try to reach a respectable compromise


Your roommate has been making a mess and not cleaning up after themselves. It's getting to the point where it is disrupting you daily and affects your side of the room too. How do you approach them about it?

Politely ask them to clean up after themselves more, explain how sharing a living space requires respect for each other's personal space, explain how their mess is coming into my space and it isn't fair


A friend asks if they can vent to you, but you don't feel as though you are in the best mindset to help. How do you respond? 

I'm not in a good place with myself right now, so I'm not able to support you at the moment. Thank you for understanding.


You notice that you are feeling burnt out and overwhelmed from always doing things for other people. How do you fix this issue?

Set aside time for self-care, explain to everyone I am spreading myself too thin, I can't keep doing this much for everyone


I have had a thought of relapsing. What do I do?

Talk to my counselor or others I trust, list things I'm grateful for, write down my goals for the future, call my sponsor, utilize coping skills