clubfoot/ metatarsus adductus/ OI
scoliosis/ LCPD/ blount
Bone/Soft tissue tumors/ rickets

For testing DDH if a Galeazzi sign was positive what would it look like 

asymmetrical shortening of the affected leg 


what does a clubfoot present with

medial twisting, plantar flexion, inversion, forefoot adduction (metavarus) 


what are the four types of scoliosis 

congenital or infantile: before 6 months

juvenile: 3-9 years old 

idiopathic or adolescent: 9- adulthood 

neuromuscular: occurs in children with a neurological condition at any age or stage of growth , cerebral palsy, myelodysplasia 


what is slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) and what ages are typically seen 

fracture through the growth plate causing slippage of the overlying end of the femur 

males 10-16 years old 

females 10-14 years old 


what is the second most common malignant bone cancer in children and where are these typically found

ewing sarcoma

usually grows in the bone marrow or tissues around the bones


What is the proper positioning for a baby with DDH 

Spread squat positioning even in a car seat and swaddling!


if treating clubfoot with dennis brown splints how often should they be worn

23 hours of the day


what is legg calves perthes disease and what are some impairments we may see

avascular event affecting the capital epiphysis

we may see a limp, pain with activity and relieved by rest, pain around groin, anterior hip or lateral by greater trochanter, we will also see muscle weakness, ROM limitations and gait deviations 


what are the clinical presentations for a slipped capital femoral epiphysis

anterior thigh and knee pain (above and below joint), antalgic gait, externally rotated lower leg, decreased hip ROM 


what is the difference between ewing sarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma 

ewing: occurs between 4-25 years old and is a malignant bone cancer 

rhabdomyosarcoma: soft tissue sarcoma and occurs in children younger than 7 years old 


In DDH what is the alpha angle? beta angle?

greater than or equal to 60 degrees

less than 77 degrees


what is the most common form of congenital foot deformity?

how much adduction is normal in infancy?

metatarsus adductus 

5-10 degrees of adduction is normal in infancy 


what is the lateral pillar classification used for and what does ABC represent


A- hips do not involve the lateral pillar

B- limited involvement with maintenance of over 50% of the lateral pillar 

C- over 50% collapse of the pillar height 


what are some risk factors and complications with slipped capital femoral epiphysis

obesity, developmental delay, juvenile hormonal changes

complications: avascular necrosis 


what are the common causes of rickets 

caused by vitamin D or phosphate deficiency 


What is the definition of developmental dysplasia of the hip?

abnormal development of the hip joint resulting in abnormal relationship of the femoral head to the acetabulum 


what are some characteristics of type 1 OI? what about type 2 OI

1: most common and mildest; bones fx easily and before puberty; normal or near normal stature; loose jts & muscle weakness etc. 

2: most severe form, frequently lethal at or shortly after birth often due to respiratory problems, numerous fxs and severe none deformity, small stature w/underdeveloped lungs, tinted sclera 


what is blount disease and what are the 3 different types 

growth disorder of the medial aspect of the proximal tibia= tibia vara (genu varum/bowlegged) 

infantile: <3 yrs old 

Juvenile: 4-10 yrs old 

Adolescent: >11 yrs old 


what is juvenile idiopathic arthritis and what are some common areas of pain

formerly known as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), pain and inflammation at multiple joints

common areas include ankles, knees, hips, unilateral and bilateral


what are children with rickets at risk for 

curvature, deformity, fractures


What are some treatment options for babies with DDH for 18 months and under? what about 2 yrs and older?

splints and harnesses

surgical correction is required - 2 yrs and older

The spread squat position can be implicated always


what are some characteristics of type 3 OI? type 4?

3: bones fx easily, fx often present at birth, short stature, barrel-shaped rib cage, triangular face, spinal curvature, respiratory problems possible, collagen improperly formed, etc. 

4: bones fx easily, most fxs before puberty, shorter than average stature, sclera are white or near white, mild to moderate bone deformity, etc. 


toddlers that have tibia vara are what?

often obese

early walkers 

may exhibit a lateral thrust of the knee during stance 


what should we monitor for with JIA

nutritional deficits, uveitis, growth disturbances, psychological concerns

in rickets due to the deficiency in mineralization what could we see

physeal regions enlarged (wrists will appear swollen)