Powers of Congress
Influencing Legislation
How a Bill Becomes a Law and Committees
How many voting members are in the House? How many members are in the Senate?
435 Voting Members in the House; 100 Members of the Senate
Where in the Constitution will you find the Powers of Congress? (Article and Section)
Article 1 Section 8
The most common ways in which individuals can work to influence legislation is by using what right found where in the Constitution?
Freedom of Speech; the First Amendment.
Anyone can write a bill. Who can introduce a bill into Congress?
Only members of Congress can introduce bills.
Define incumbent
the person currently holding an elected office.
House members represent their ____________; members of the Senate represent their _______________. (Geographic area)
House - District; Senate - State.
Define expressed power.
An expressed power is one that is explicitly given by the Constitution; You will find it written in the Constitution.
The act of attempting to influence members of Congress is called? A person who attempts to influence members of Congress is called?
lobbying; a lobbyist.
In order to conduct official business, both chambers must have a certain number of representatives present. The term for the minimum number of required members is?
Define reapportionment
Redistributing the number of representatives each state receives. Occurs every ten years, following a census.
A House member's term last ______________ and a Senators term last's ____________.
House - 2 Years Senate - 6 years
Define Implied Power
A power that is not explicitly granted in the Constitutional you will not find it written out. It is derived from Article I Section 8 Clause 18 - the Necessary and Proper Clause (Elastic Clause)
Limits put on how much one can donate to a candidate or a campaign are called __________________. The are established by this independent federal agency ___________________>
Campaign contribution limits; Federal Elections Commission
A Presidential veto can be overrode by a ____ vote in both chambers of Congress?
Define lobbying
The act of attempting to influence members of Congress or other lawmakers
What is a special duty of the House? What is a special duty of the Senate?
House - All bills that deal with raising money (like taxes) start in the House. Senate - The Senate approves presidential appointments, like ambassadors, judges and cabinet members.
One power of Congress allows it to regulate any business that crosses state lines. It has be called the most far-reaching powers granted to Congress. It was used to outlaw racial segregation. This power us called the ___________ power. (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3).
Commerce Power; Commerce Clause
The Supreme Court decision in 2010 that led to the creation of Super PACs was called:
Citizens United; Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commissions
Once a Bill is introduced, it is sent to a specific committee. Within the committee, it is handled by a subcommittee. What does the subcommittee do?
- Research and Study the bill - Hold hearing to hear expert testimony - Report their findings back to the larger committee
Define special interest
A group or organization that attempts to influence legislators in favor of a particular policy or issue
What are the Constitutional qualifications to become a member of the House? A member of the Senate?
House: Age - 25; Citizenship - 7 yrs; Residency - Must live in the state. Senate: Age- 30; Citizenship - 9 yrs; Residency - Must live in the state.
Implied powers come out of the Article I Section 8 Clause 18. This clause is known as:
The Necessary and Proper Clause and/or the Elastic Clause.
A Political Action Committee is a fundraising organization that gives directly to candidates/campaigns and is limited to donations of $5,000. How do Super PACs differ from regular PACs?
Super PACs have no maximum donation limit. They do not give money directly to candidates. (Also, they cannot coordinate with candidates/campaigns.)
Committees and Committee Chairpersons hold a significant amount of power over bills. What is the main way the weild this power?
They can prevent a bill from being voted on by the larger chamber. They serve as the "gatekeeper."
Define constituents.
The voters that live in a member of Congress' district or state; the people that members of Congress represent