Senate Majority
Senate Minority
House of Representatives
Senators Under 60

Who was the Majority Leader before Senator Mitch McConnell?

Who is Senator Harry Reid?


I was the U.S. Representative for Michigan's 14th congressional district from 2013 until my election to the Senate. 

Who is Senator Gary C. Peters?


One-fifty-third of California’s House delegation is this House Intelligence Committee chairman.

Who is Rep. Adam Schiff?


First woman elected to the United States Senate from Arizona.

Who is Senator Kyrsten Sinema?


The last two names of these two current Senators, one from Virginia and one from Massachusetts, are anagrams of each other.

Who is Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Mark Warner of Virginia?


Current President pro tempore. 

Who is Senator Chuck Grassley?


Is the Chair for the Senate Democratic Policy Committee. 

Who is Senator Debbie Stabenow?


First woman Speaker of the House. 

Who is Nancy Pelosi?


Although not member of the contiguous United States, this Senator serves the largest state in the union.

Who is Senator Dan Sullivan?


I brought a large snowball on the Senate floor to show that the globe is not warming. 

Who is Senator James Inhofe?


I was once a practicing ophthalmologist.

Who is Senator Rand Paul?


This is the first Thai-American woman elected to Congress.

Who is Senator Tammy Duckworth?


Oldest standing committee in the House. 

What is the Committee on Ways and Means?


Serving a state famous for their corn and state fairs, this Senator is the first female combat veteran elected to the United States Senate.

Who is Senator Joni Ernst?


First African-American woman elected to Congress. 

Who is Shirley Chisholm of New York (1968)?


I defeated two-term Democratic incumbent Senator Claire McCaskill.

Who is Senator Josh Hawley?


We represent the only state composed entirely of islands. 

Who are Senators Maize Hirono and Brian Schatz?


This representative represents the city where Super Bowl LIV was played?

Who is Rep. Marco Rubio?


First latina elected to serve in the Senate. 

Who is Senator Catherine Cortez Masto?


When did the 116th Congress begin convening?

What is January 3, 2019?


I am the wealthiest member of the Senate and co-owner of a basketball team in the Women's National Basketball Association. 

Who is Senator Kelly Loeffler?


I graduated from Ohio State University, served as a Naval Flight Officer in the U.S. Navy, and represent the first state to ratify the United States constitution.

Who is Senator Tom Carper?


The cafeterias at the United States House of Representatives have served bean soup on a daily basis since this year. 

What is 1904?


I was the Chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee from 2017 to 2019 and defeated Democratic incumbent Mark Udall.

Who is Senator Cory Gardner?


I am the daughter of three-term governor Arch Alfred, I am the first Republican woman elected to Congress from my state, and I represent the only state that gained its sovereignty by proclamation of the President of the United States. 

Who is Senator Shelley Moore Capito?