Two years
What is the length of a House of Representatives term?
30 Years
How old do you have to be to be a Senator?
What are taxes?
Final signatory of a bill
Who is the President?
435 Representatives
How many total House Reps. are there?
9 Years
How long do you have to be a citizen to be a U.S. Senator?
Stopping rebellions and invasions
What is the point of a militia?
Over 50% in both the House and Senate
What votes are needed to pass a law?
How many Senators are there?
14th Amendment
What is the amendment that ended the 3/5ths compromise?
The state where the candidate is running for office
What is the process for making someone not born in the U.S. a citizen?
10 days
What is the amount of time that the President has to sign a law?
In session or in commute
Where can a Congressperson not be arrested?
7 years
What is the amount of time someone must be a citizen in order to be a House Representative?
About 1/3 Senators
What proportion of Senators complete their term every 2 years?
Between states and foreign nations
What type of commerce does Congress regulate?
2/3rds in both houses of Congress
What is the amount of votes required to override a veto?
D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Northern Mariana Islands.
What are U.S. territories without voting Congressional Representation?
30,000 People in the Constitution, 700,000 ish in reality
What is the amount of people that each House Rep. represents?
Vice President
Who breaks a tie in the Senate?
Congress has not done this since WWII, even thought the U.S. has sent the military to many places
What is declaring war?
Type of bill that must start in the House
What are money bills (budget)?
17 Representatives
How many representatives does Illinois have?