coordinating conjunctions
correlative conjunctions
subordinating conjunctions

I wanted to go to the beach, ___ it started raining.

I wanted to go to the beach, but it started raining.


You can ___ go to the party ___ stay home and watch a movie.

You can either go to the party or stay home and watch a movie.


___ it was raining, they went for a walk.

Although it was raining, they went for a walk.


She likes to read books, ___ she doesn’t enjoy watching movies.

She likes to read books, but she doesn’t enjoy watching movies.


___ the teacher ___ the students understood the difficult concept.

Neither the teacher nor the students understood the difficult concept.


She was late to the meeting ___ she missed the bus.

She was late to the meeting because she missed the bus.


Would you like to have tea ___ coffee with your breakfast?

Would you like to have tea or coffee with your breakfast?


He enjoys ___ playing basketball ___ watching football

He enjoys both playing basketball and watching football.


I will call you ___ I arrive home.

I will call you when I arrive home.


He doesn’t eat meat, ___ does he drink milk.

He doesn’t eat meat, nor does he drink milk.


She is ___ intelligent ___ hardworking.

She is not only intelligent but also hardworking.


___ you finish your homework, you can play video games.

After you finish your homework, you can play video games.


She studied hard, ___ she passed the exam with flying colors

She studied hard, so she passed the exam with flying colors


We need to decide ___ to travel by car ___ take the train.

We need to decide whether to travel by car or take the train.


___ he was tired, he stayed up late to finish the project.

Though he was tired, he stayed up late to finish the project.