What is an independent clause?
A group of words that contains a both a subject and verb and also represents a complete thought.
What is a dependent clause?
A group of words that contains a subject and a verb but DOES NOT represent a complete thought.
What is an acronym that can help you remember coordinating conjunctions?
What is an acronym that can help you remember some of the subordinating conjunctions?
I think I want a kitten and a pony!
And is the coordinating conjunction.
Identify the conjunction in the following sentence: I like summer and I also like spring.
Is the following an independent clause? Because I have a soft spot for kittens.
No, it is a dependent clause!
Is the following a dependent clause?
If I earn good grades this trimester.
Yes, it is a dependent clause
What are the coordinating conjunctions?
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
What are some of the subordinating conjunctions?(Think AAAWWUBBIS!)
after, although, as, when, while, until, because, before, if, since
Even though I get good grades, my parents don't buy me everything I want.
Even though is a subordinating conjunction.
Identify the conjunction in the following sentence: My mom said I could go if I finish my homework.
Is the following an independent clause? I brought the fuzzy little guy home.
Yes, it is an independent clause.
Is the following a dependent clause?
I get to adopt a kitten.
No, it is an independent clause.
What type of clauses do coordinating conjunctions link or connect?
Independent clauses or words of equal value
What kind of phrases do subordinating conjunctions link or connect?
Independent and dependent clauses
My parents just sigh and roll their eyes whenever I try to explain exactly why we need a kitten.
Whenever is a subordinating conjunction.
Identify the conjunction in the following sentence: I can't play Fortnite until I clean my room, unfortunately.
What type of conjunction links or connects two independent clauses?
Coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS)
What type of conjunction links or connects a dependent clause to an independent clause?
A subordinating conjunction!
Identify the coordinating conjunction: Since we are hungry, can we have cookies and can we also have ice cream?
Identify the subordinating conjunction: Since we are hungry, can we have cookies and ice cream?
Would you like tacos, burgers, or would you like chicken for dinner?
Or is a coordinating conjunction.
Identify the conjunction in the following sentence: I wanted a kitten before you even asked.