Where is Storyboard located?
Left column
What zone do you log into?
North zone RecT
What is a template or block of text?
Smart text
Where do you find a spouses information?
Hover over name in chart
What are their allergies?
What is available in Storyboard?
start of all information including... list 5 items each
How often does ply reset?
What is a template or block of text that you can create?
Smart phrase
Where do you find your sent messges?
In basket
Where do you find goals of care?
Storyboard under name
What does highlights yellow sections mean?
What two doctors are always working?
Stethoscope, Sam
McQueenie, Diana
What is a pre-defined list of choices?
Smart list
What is the blue sticky note for?
Leaving note for entire team
Where do you find your last relevant note?
Chart review, snapshot and scroll down
Where would you find their health history?
Social determent
What is one major change from online training, to PLY training, and to live?
Search button
What is a information from another part of the chart?
Smart links
Where would you chart your smart phrases?
Note, new note and pull side bar over
Where do you find care plan goals?
Care plan, view care plan event log and scroll
Where do you find their AHS Connect status?
small computer screen to right of photo tab
What looks different in PLY than LIVE?
How do you quickly type a residents name?
What do you click on when you forgot to chart in flowsheets?
Insert column not add
Where can you find the RecTA assignment?
RecTA documentation, RecTA accept assignment and scroll down to TA assignment to work bench