The total number of study visits ALL participants will complete (Bonus points if you specify the time at which these visits should occur)
3 (Baseline, 6-month, 12-month)
What is the age eligibility criteria?
What is the primary database for all recruitment calls and data collection?
The number of health coaching sessions intervention participants will complete
14 health coaching sessions
What must be obtained before beginning the in-person screening process?
Verbal Consent
What are the physical measurements collected at each visit?
Height, weight, blood pressure, and waist circumference
During the screening process, a participant indicates they may be moving from the state in 6 months. Are they still eligible?
No. Participants should have no plans to move from the area within 1 year of their enrollment
This portal connects with the BodyTrace scales and allows you to monitor participants' weight progress
Health Center Live
What are two of the main tools used for health coaching?
BodyTrace Scale (Health Center Live) and Fitbit (Fitabase)
True or False: You must read the entire written consent script word for word
False. Summarize the main points of each section and encourage participants to read through the summary on their own time. Always allow opportunity for questions
What is something given to ALL participants at the end of every study visit?
Clincard, Welcome packet, Community resource guide, ACP weight loss guide, evacuation card
A non-Asian participant with a BMI of 39kg/m^2 has an arm circumference >50cm, therefore a BP arm cuff will not fit. Are they eligible?
Yes. For participants with arm circumferences greater than 50cm, use the wrist-worn BP monitor
This portal connects with Fitbit and allows you to monitor participants' physical activity
How often do health coaching sessions occur?
Once every week for the first month, then once every two weeks for remaining sessions
True or False: If you upload digital versions of the study forms to the Box folder, you do NOT need to keep the paper copy
FALSE. All hard copies should be kept and securely stored in a locked filing cabinet.
What is the formula for the Study ID?
C + 2-digit FQHC code + 2-digit clinic code + 3-digit patient code
A participant that just arrived for their baseline visit has informed you they had a mid-night snack around 2am. What should you do?
Reschedule the participant for another day. Remind them that they must not eat or drink anything (other than water) after midnight the night before the visit
This is the platform you will use to provide compensation to participants
How much are participants compensated for each health coaching session?
$10 per session (up to $140 if all sessions completed)
A participant has answered something other than "Not at all" on the last question of the PHQ-9 depression screening. What do you do?
CHWs should report this to an on-site clinic provider and have the participant seen by the provider on the same day or follow standard clinic protocols for follow up.
List all of the forms that should be completed at each baseline visit
(1)Consent form, (2)HIPAA form, (3)height and weight form, (4)waist circumference form, (5)BP form, (6)medications form, (7)participant contact form, (8)Survey/questionnaire (9)W-9 form
During the screening process, a participant indicates they have a second cousin that works at the FQHC, but they do not keep in contact. Are they still eligible?
Yes. Participants are only ineligible if they have a family member with whom they interact regularly who is an employee of the FQHC
Which 'project' is the participant contact form and data links form located in REDCap?
What is the formula for the HCL ID?
participant’s initials + month and day of birthday + FQHC code + Clinic code (e.g., Laura Perry + March 3 = LP0303_0102)
What are the blood pressure alert values?
average systolic blood pressure is ≥180 mm Hg or < 90 mm Hg
average diastolic blood pressure is ≥120 mm Hg or < 60 mm Hg
average pulse is less than 45 bpm