IFSP is an acronym for.
What is an Individualized Family Service Plan?
-2.00 SD in one developmental domain
What is a significant delay?
2 years, 6 months (or 30 months of age).
When does the 3-8 LEA Form need to be signed by?
Authorization to Release.
What needs to be signed at every IFSP?
IFSP and Enrollment Form + Insurance Form.
What is due to the office within 7 days (by email or drop off)?
45 days
What is timely service delivery?
Moderate to severe phonological impairment.
What is a biological factor to determine eligibility?
2 years, 5 months (or 29 months of age)
When does a child need to exit Birth to Three by to not have family information shared with the school system through CT-SEDS?
Insurance Form.
What needs to be signed at every evaluation/assessment and IFSP?
Exit Form.
What needs to be completed and handed in when a family no longer wants Birth to Three Services?
Family Outcome
What do you want to have happen?
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, Third Edition
What is a secondary evaluation/assessment tool?
90 days before child's 3rd birthday.
When does the Transition Meeting needs to be held by?
Transition Meeting Form.
What needs to be filled when doing a Transition Meeting?
Data Entry Change Form.
What needs to be completed and handed in when there is a change in a child's demographic information or Service Coordinator?
Transportation costs.
What is reimbursable to families?
Authorization to Consent.
What needs to be signed to complete the evaluation/assessment?
Local Public School System.
Who's responsibility is it to determine eligibility for Part B Services?
Transfer Out Form.
What needs to be filled out when a family moves within Connecticut to a town EdAdvance does not cover?
Team Meeting and Paperwork & Procedure Meeting.
What are the 2 monthly meetings for EdAdvance Birth to Three staff?
DCF staff or DCF contractors.
Who can NOT sign an IFSP on Section 6?
What is a diagnosed condition for auto-eligibility?
May 1 and after.
What birthday begins the EIS Over 3 qualification?
Autism Assessment Request Form.
What needs to be filled out to request an Autism Assessment?
3 business days after the 15th and the last day of every month.
When is paperwork due to the office by?