Colonial America/Wars(2)

These were the three G's that explorers sought to spread or gain for themselves during the Age of Exploration.

What are Gold, Glory, and God


Why could Paul Revere's engraving of the Boston Massacre be considered propaganda?

Paul Revere's engraving of the Boston Massacre showed the Redcoats as crazy murderers who would happily slaughter innocent citizens, and it was made to influence public opinion, meaning that it is propaganda.


Why were Britain and France competing for control of the Ohio River Valley? What did this competition lead to, and who won?

The British and the French vied for control of the Ohio River Valley to link their land holdings, to control key rivers and expand their territories, leading to the French and Indian War. The British won.


What was the Stamp Act? How did the colonists respond?

Placed a tax on almost all printed materials; colonists burned rag effigies of tax collectors and destroyed the houses of royal officials, merchants were urged to boycott British and European goods, and they signed a non-importation agreement.


Which tribes made up the Iroquois Confederacy? Where were they located? Whose side did they take in the French and Indian War?

Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and later Tuscarora; present-day New York; the British


These two European countries led the competition in navigating and expanding trade routes in the 1400s and 1500s.

What are Spain and Portugal


Who rode out to let the colonial militia know "The regulars are out?" What were the Redcoats after?

Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Sybil Ludington; they were after the colonial militia's weapons and supplies.


What is considered the first shots of the American Revolution? What happened to the Redcoats on their way back to Boston?

The Battles of Lexington and Concord; the Redcoats were ambushed all the way back to Boston by the colonists and the colonial militia.


What was the Sugar Act? How did this make the colonists mad?

The Sugar Act lowered the tax on imported molasses. Colonists believed that writs of assistance violated their right to be safe in their homes, vice-admiralty courts violated their right to a jury trial, and it contradicted a British law saying "Innocent until proven guilty."


What did the Declaration of Independence attempt to explain to the British? What did it say about the rights of men? What did it state that men could do to an oppressive government?

It explained how British laws were unfair. It said that all men were created equal, and how men could get rid of an oppressive government if necessary.


What was the Middle Passage? What were some of the terrible conditions faced by Africans?

What is a part of the Triangle Trade where slaves were shipped from Africa to the West Indies, facing conditions such as lack of food, water, and space to move around, and getting thrown overboard if they died or got sick.


Who were the Sons of Liberty? What major act of defiance were they responsible for in Boston?

It was started by Samuel Adams to protest the Stamp Act. They were responsible for the Boston Tea Party.


What happened at the Battle of Long Island?

The Continental Army suffered a huge loss on the Battle of Long Island.


What were the Coercive/Intolerable Acts and their parts? Why were they put in place?

The Intolerable Acts closed Boston Harbor until the people of Massachusetts paid for the tea destroyed during the Boston Tea Party, it banned town meetings in New England, forced Bostonians to quarter soldiers in their own homes, and tried to isolate Boston from the other colonies. They were passed to "master" the colonies and to prevent them from breaking free.


What does the phrase "No taxation without representation" mean?

The colonists didn't want to be taxed when they didn't have a say in Parliament.

What was the Columbian Exchange?

The voyages of Christopher Columbus and other European explorers that connected Africa, Europe, and Asia with the Americas.


Who's name became synonymous with the word "traitor" forever in American history?

Benedict Arnold


What were the results of the Battle of Saratoga?

General Horatio Gates defeated the British at the Battle of Saratoga. It was the turning point of the war, because France helped the Americans by sending troops, supplies, money, and its Navy to the colonies.


What resulted from the Battle of Yorktown?

General Cornwallis surrendered and the Americans won the war.


What was the first Constitution of the United States called?

The Articles of Confederation


Who are the Americas named after?

Amerigo Vespucci


Who was the writer of the pamphlet "Common Sense?" What did it help convince the colonists they needed to do against British rule?

Thomas Paine wrote "Common Sense." It explained in simple terms how Britain had wronged the colonies, so that more people would be united against a common enemy.


How did George Washington pull off victories at the Battles of Trenton and Princeton?

He crossed the Delaware River on Christmas night, surprising the British.


What did the Treaty of Paris do? What were its terms?

The Treaty of Paris made Great Britain recognize the United States as its own country. The British also promised to withdraw all their troops from American territory and let the US fish off of the coast of Canada. The US let British merchants collect debts that they owed them and they owed the Loyalists their properties back.


Who wrote the Articles of Confederation?

John Dickinson