Misc 2

Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson


What were the three parts of the Constitution? What were the first 10 amendments called?

The Preamble is the introduction to the Constitution, the seven Articles establish how the government should be structured, and the amendments were any changes to the Constitution. The first ten are called the Bill of Rights.


How did Washington keep us from another war with Britain or France?

He declared the United States as neutral.


How did the framers at the Constitutional Convention attempt to deal with the issue of slavery in the US?

They counted slaves as only 3/5 of a person.


What was the purpose of the separation of powers? Which three branches were formed to make this happen?

The separation of powers prevented anybody from having too much power, and it allowed for a system of checks and balances. The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches were formed.

Who was the primary author of the Constitution?

James Madison


What rights of expression are included in the 1st amendment to the Constitution?

Freedom of speech, press, religion, right to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


What did John Adams tell Congress after the X, Y, Z affair?

To prepare for war with France


What did Washington warn the nation of in his farewell address to the nation?

Political parties would divide the nation.


How did Alexander Hamilton die?

He got shot by Aaron Burr in a duel in New Jersey.


Who proposed the Great Compromise? What happened to the legislative branch?

Roger Sherman, bi-cameral legislature was formed


Why was Washington chosen to preside over the Constitutional Convention?

He was very trusted among the people and had served the US and helped them during the French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War. 


What group was responsible for attacking US ships even after paying tribute? Where they from?

Barbary Coast pirates, North Coast of Africa


What does it mean when someone is in debt?

It means that they owe money to somebody or an organization.


What did the Louisiana Purchase do to the size of the US? How much did we pay for it? Who did we buy it from?

Doubled it; $15,000,000; Napoleon Bonaparte, France


Which groups were not present nor part of the political process when the country was first established?

Native Americans, African Americans, and women


What event convinced Washington to come out of retirement?

Shay's Rebellion

What were the two main reasons the US went to war with Britain in the War of 1812?

The British impressed American soldiers, and they fired on the USS Chesapeake close to American soil.


What were four precedents set by Washington as the first president?

Farewell address, the title "Mr. President," having a cabinet, and having a two-term limit for presidents.


What were the three main objectives of Lewis and Clark's mission?

To find the Northwest Passage, to map the land and find locations for forts, and to discover new plants and animals

Who was the 2nd president of the US?

John Adams


Which political parties developed after Washington left office? Which advocated for having a strong federal government? Which advocated for a limited federal government and stronger state governments?

The Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans; the Feds wanted a strong central government, the Reps wanted stronger state governments.


Who was given credit for the victory at the Battle of New Orleans? What treaty ended the War of 1812?

Andrew Jackson, Treaty of Ghent


Which court case established the Supreme Court's power of Judicial Review?

Marbury v. Madison


What inspired Francis Scott Key to write the poem "The Star Spangled Banner?"

He saw the American flag still flying over Fort McHenry even after it was bombed, and he was deeply moved, so he wrote the Star Spangled Banner.