The birthday boy’s favorite local team
Who are the Denver Nuggets?
The street name of Connor’s college house
What is Bryan Street
The Ski Resort where Connor proposed to his wife
Where is Copper Mountain
Connor is not picky, but he will always pull off this sandwich topping
What is a Tomato
The name of the farm Connor grew up on
What is Johnson Family Farm
The city recreational league Connor has won a championship in
What is Slow-Pitch Softball
Connor and “the boys” often frequented this joint for drinks
What is Road 34
The Midwest city that is home to a disproportionate amount of Connor’s extended family
We’re is Omaha
Connor’s extra, ineffective body part
What is his Third Nipple
The first vehicle Connor drove
What is a 4 Wheeler
The coldest bowl game Connor attended with the CSU Marching Band
What is the Potato Bowl? (Boise)
On a particularly intoxicated night, Connor lost a colorful clothing item.
Where’s my… Green Jacket?
The family member who his daughters middle name is after
Who is Grandma Joyce
The name of the summer concert series Connor and friends attended multiple times
What is Warped Tour
The area behind the farmyard where bonfires, airsoft wars, and aquatic ATV’s were frequented
What is the Pasture
The team that CSU Alumni David Roddy was drafted to
Who are the Memphis Grizzlies
The code name used for CSU band parties
What is Bible Study
Connor traveled to South Dakota to obtain multiple of these birthday presents for his mother
What are Mini Donkeys
The town in Mexico that Connor studied abroad in the Spring of 2018
Where is Todos Santos?
The 4H category Connor won a blue ribbon in
What is Woodworking
Connor saw North Carolina and Villanova play in the MM Final Four in this City in 2016
Where is Houston
The two degrees Connor earned from CSU (BE SPECIFIC)
What are Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation biology and Ecosystem Sustainability Sciences
Connor enjoys talking about his family lineage to others, more often than they prefer. This immigrant from his fathers side shares a similar surname to his mothers side
Who is Johann Johannson
Connor‘s date to Freshman Year homecoming
Who is Jordan Kopcow
The breed of livestock that started the Farm
What is a Holstein Cow