1.2.15 - 11.2.16

This term refers to the physical parts of a computer, such as its machines and wiring.

What is hardware?


This term refers to any person or organization involved in a project, or whose interests may be impacted by the project's outcome.

What is a stakeholder?


If this group is not involved in the design process, there is a greater risk of the software being designed incorrectly, leading to wasted development costs.

Who are the end-users?


This term refers to how easy a system is to learn and use.

What is usability?


This type of system may struggle with understanding accents, languages, or speech-impaired users.

What is voice recognition?


This refers to a group of two or more computers connected via wired or wireless communication methods.

What is a network?


In computer science, these refer to systematic methods of collecting data and feedback from users or stakeholders to assess their experiences, preferences, and needs regarding software or systems.

What are surveys?


This process allows clients to give immediate feedback, amend requirements, and helps developers verify their understanding of the project, ultimately saving time and reducing costs.

What is prototyping?


This concept focuses on designing and arranging things so that users can interact with them efficiently and safely.

What is ergonomics?


This system may face issues related to internet downtime or currency differences.

What is online payroll?


In a network infrastructure, this server type is responsible for translating user-friendly domain names into machine-readable IP addresses, significantly reducing the complexity of connecting to external websites.

What is a Domain Name System (DNS) server?


This diagrammatic tool, essential for understanding data interactions, uses circles, arrows, and labels to depict the flow of information between different system components, highlighting data transformations and storage points.

What is a data flow diagram (DFD)?


This consequence occurs when a system is not aligned with the needs of the user, resulting in decreased productivity.

What is a misaligned system?


This type of problem arises when hardware requires excessive physical effort to operate or includes controls that are not clearly labeled, creating a barrier to effective use.

What are poor ergonomics?


Introducing smart devices into homes can raise concerns related to this type of privacy issue.

What is data surveillance?


As AI and machine learning technologies become integrated into decision-making systems, this ethical dilemma arises when biases in algorithms lead to unfair treatment of certain groups based on race, gender, or socioeconomic status.

What is algorithmic bias?


Involving stakeholders is critical when developing new systems. This technique, which entails brainstorming sessions, role-playing scenarios, interviews, and focus groups, is used to gather nuanced insights into the needs and pain points of users.

What is direct observation?


This phase of the Design Cycle involves testing and refining the system to meet user needs.

What is the Evaluate phase?


 To improve accessibility for individuals with motor disabilities, this adaptive technology enables users to interact with a device using only their eye movements.

What is an eye-tracker?


When new technologies increase productivity but reduce the need for human intervention, this economic effect can occur, characterized by a growing divide between capital owners and laborers.

What is economic inequality?


Explain what a firewall is in a specific example

A firewall monitors and controls traffic, helping secure the network by filtering potentially harmful DNS queries. Ex: Window Defender System/ Anti-cheats


Discuss the differences in advantages and disadvantages between interviews and surveys.


Adv: Lot of information quickly

Dis: Not enough qualitative information


Adv: More relevant information

Dis: Time consuming


Identify some of the social and ethical issues related to multimedia systems?

Copyright, appropriate use of the internet(in application), the merging of radio, television, and communication with the internet, the integrity of the original source.


Identify some of the usability problems with a PS5.

Could include: 

Large size, UI complexity, Limited storage, Game installation time, backwards compatibility issues(PS3), controller battery, controller issues, no personalized help, etc.


Describe the environmental implications of the interactions between humans and machines.

Increased electronic waste from discarded devices, Resource depletion due to extraction of raw materials, Pollution resulting from the production process