Effective classroom management is essentially ___________.
The students know they need to raise their hand to answer a question. However, you have a couple students who come up to you or call out whenever they have something to contribute. What are different ways you can hold your ground in this situation?
- praise appropriate behavior
- be consistent
- don't over explain yourself
What's an activity you could do on the first week of school to build classroom community?
There's many different activities to build classroom community!
Why is it important to produce the rules as a class and not just present them to students during the first day?
Making classroom rules this way makes it more of an agreement than a list of things students have to follow.
Why is it important to always assume the best of your students?
- You never know your student is going through
- Students want to learn, they might just not know how
- A student may be doing their best even though it may not necessarily meet your 'expectations'
What does an effective no look like?
- no hesitation
- no complaining
- no wiggle room
Myth or Fact?
Students who are not taught respect and appropriate behavior at home will never behave appropriately in class.
Life at home will influence life at school, but students are able to behave differently in different environments. This outcome is based on what is expected of them and how those expectations are taught and reinforced in the environment they're in.
"When the going gets tough, the tough get supportive."
"To learn and never be filled is wisdom. To teach and never be weary is love."
Pick one of these quotes and draw what it means to you.
Quick! You have 10 seconds to write down all the people you could ask for help during your first year of teaching...GO!
There's always someone who you can ask for help!
Find the person directly across from you. Get up and move and find out something their looking forward to over thanksgiving or winter break.
How can doing an activity like this impact the climate in your classroom?
Why is it important to plan for brain breaks within the day?
How have you handled misbehavior in your classroom?
Differs by classroom and behavior
What do you do when you're stressed?
We will list this on the board.
Self-care is personal to who you are and what you like! The only thing that's important is that you recognize when you need it and take care of yourself!
What do you think is lacking in this classroom?
What happens when procedures aren't in place?
Have your group draw a quick sketch of how you would want your room to look.
One person from each group will share something they included in their design.
There's many different types of room arrangements.
It's time to line up for lunch, but Jessica decides to have an attitude and refuses to line up for lunch. The teacher asks her several times to stand up and join her friends in line or she will face consequences.
What should the teachers' next step be in giving Jessica the right type of consequence? What's the teachers' first step?
the consequence should fit the crime ;)
How have you or your mentor exercised inner authority in your classroom?
What procedures have you seen in your internship classroom that you want to adopt when you're teaching? What's something you don't necessarily like in regards to procedures at your internship?
procedures are important :)
When only a few students participate in class discussions and activities, the others are more likely to space out and act out. How do we plan for total participation?
- white boards
- call on random students
- wait until half the class has their hand raised
- increase wait time
- do group activities
Your student keeps saying no to everything! How would you handle a situation when consequences aren't working?