The moment is as it is.
What is the Power of Acceptance.
GOAL: To learn to respond to what life offers instead of attempting to make the world go our way
What cycle has these 6 Steps?
Experience Distress--> Activates Attachment System--> Seek comfort from attachment figure--> Experience stress reduction, felt sense of safety--> Attachment system deactivated-->Return to other interests and activities-->
What is Creating Empathy?
What is Emotional Regulation?
What are 2 tools for Creating Connection?
The School Family
Class Meetings
I love you rituals
Baby Doll Circle Time
-How we see defines -what we see; a stressful way to perceive behavior is good/bad
What is a healthy way to perceive behavior?
This model explains the relationship between the brain and misbehavior.
Brain State Model
No one can make you angry without your permission.
What is the Power of Perception?
GOAL: To teach adults and children to take responsibility for our own upset.
What skill of discipline are you using when you use the 'noticing' technique? Composure, assertiveness, encouragement, choices?
What is skill of encouragement?
You put your plate in the trash so we could keep the room clean! That was helpful!
4 components of an I love you Ritual.
What is: Presence, touch, eye contact, playfulness.
Examples- at diaper changes: twinkle twinkle
at nap time- lotion
Cleaning hands/face- this little piggy
Transitions- around the garden we go
Use the noticing technique that encourages in the below scenario. Adam lined up at the door when told to line up.
Adam, You lined up at the door so we could go to recess. That was helpful!
What is the purpose of Conscious discipline
Conscious Discipline offers solutions for social-emotional learning, discipline and self-regulation. The goal is to help parents and schools reach and teach every child. Once instilled, these essential skills will last a lifetime and positively impact generations to come.
Mistakes are opportunities to learn
What is the Power of Intention.
GOAL: To teach a new skill rather than punishing others for lacking skills we think they should possess by now.
This conscious skill relies on reflecting and personal responsibility. They teach children how to problem solve and show them that mistakes and opportunities to learn
What are Consequences?
Three job descriptions of a safe keeper
Become aware of trigger thoughts and events
Wish children well and notice instead of judge
Use the language of safety instead of the language of fear
Use the skill of choices to help a child move from emotional to executive state in the below scenario.
Sally, it is time to go to the potty.
A: Sally- NO!
Adult- You have a choice. You can run super fast or bunny hop to the potty?!
Sally- No!! Wahhhh
Adult- What is your choice? Run or hop?
Sally- Run
Adult- You chose run!! You did it!
A.C.T stands for?
Acknowledge- deepest desires, You wanted... You were hoping for..
Calm or clarify skills (pending developmental age)- calm by breathing, Clarify by, "when you want___, then say or do___.
Target to positive choices OR time to practice (pending age)
We are all in this together.
What is the Power of Unity?
GOAL: To perceive compassionately, and offer compassion to others and to ourselves.
Which conscious skill values: Compassion and Generosity
What is Positive Intent?
cooperation and problem solving are the 2 main life and communication skills are that benefit from being built/taught by using positive intent
How does the concept of school family suggest you enforce rules while maintaining the power of attention?
Visual rules: 2 positives and 1 negative
Example- At circle time: 1 picture of a kid sitting on his hands, 1 picture of a kid laying on his tummy, 1 picture of kid running away that is crossed out
The kids are running around the room!! How can we help kids PIVOT in this moment.
"Watch me use my walking feet." "Can you walk like me?"
The brain's ability to change its structure and function based on demands of a given situation.
Choose to see the best in others.
The Power of Love
The Goal: Seeing the best in others keeps us in the higher centers of our brain so we can consciously respond instead of unconsciously react to life events
What cycle has these 6 Steps?
Experience Distress--> Activates Attachment System--> Seek comfort from attachment figure--> Experience stress reduction, felt sense of safety--> Attachment system deactivated-->Return to other interests and activities-->
What is Creating Empathy?
What is Emotional Regulation?
The 5 steps of baby doll circle time?
2) Beginning awareness
3) Connection
4) Cuddling/ soothing
5) Ending/transition by singing
Give an example of a Brain Smart Start you do either with your kiddos or with yourself?!
1- Unite: build connection (Get dress/coffee)
2- Disengage stress: prepares for cortical learning (Exercise)
3- Connect: releases oxytocin, lowers aggression (Faith)
4- Commit: Develops prefrontal lobe (Decide what I am going to get accomplished today: look at calendar)
These knee-jerk reactions guide our choices when our minds are preoccupied
What is impulse?